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Errors Reference

ERR_NGROK_100Invalid metadata length: <VAL> bytes. Max: <MAX>
ERR_NGROK_102The last payment for the <ACCOUNT> account failed. The account has been suspended. Update the payment information here:
ERR_NGROK_103The account <ACCOUNT> has been suspended. This is usually the result of violating the ngrok Terms of Service. Email if you think your suspension is an error.
ERR_NGROK_105The authtoken you specified does not look like a proper ngrok tunnel authtoken. Your authtoken: <TOKEN> Instructions to install your authtoken are on your ngrok dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_106The authtoken you specified is an ngrok v1 authtoken, but you're using ngrok v2. Your authtoken: <TOKEN> Instructions to install your authtoken are on your ngrok dashboard:

The authtoken you specified is properly formed, but it is invalid. Your authtoken: <TOKEN> This usually happens when:

  • You reset your authtoken
  • Your authtoken was for a team account that you were removed from
  • You are using ngrok link and this credential was explicitly revoked Go to your ngrok dashboard and double check that your authtoken is correct:

Your account is limited to <MAX> simultaneous ngrok agent session<PLURAL>. <MSG>

ERR_NGROK_109The authentication payload you specified is not valid. This usually indiciates a bug in the client's protocol implementation.The parsing error encountered was: <ERR>
ERR_NGROK_110The session cookie you specified is not valid. This usually indiciates a bug in the client's protocol implementation.
ERR_NGROK_111The heartbeat interval you specified is not valid. It must be at least <MIN>, you specified <VAL>
ERR_NGROK_112The heartbeat tolerance you specified is not valid. It must be at least <MIN>, you specified <VAL>
ERR_NGROK_115Your IP <IP> does not match the IP Policies specified by the Agent IP Restriction for this account. Please authenticate from an IP in the correct range or update your Agent IP Restrictions from the ngrok dashboard.
ERR_NGROK_116Your IP <IP> does not match the IP ACL policy specified for your credentials. Please authenticate from an IP in the correct range or make sure you are using the correct credentials
ERR_NGROK_118Only Enterprise accounts can use the enterprise tunnel ingress feature. Your account <ACCOUNTNAME> is not permitted to use the ngrok enterprise tunnel ingress. Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_119The agent specified an invalid semantic version string: <VERSION>
ERR_NGROK_120Your ngrok agent version "<VERSION>" is no longer supported. Only the most recent version of the ngrok agent is supported without an account. Update to a newer version with ngrok update or by downloading from Sign up for an account to avoid forced version upgrades:
ERR_NGROK_121Your ngrok agent version "<VERSION>" is too old. The minimum supported agent version for your account is "<MINVERSION>". Please update to a newer version with ngrok update or by downloading from
ERR_NGROK_122Your account is not permitted to use the agent ingress "<DOMAIN>".
ERR_NGROK_123The account "<NAME>" may not start an ngrok agent session until the admin's email address is verified. Verify your email at
ERR_NGROK_200The ngrok API requires that you set the Authorization header for authentication. Your API keys and instructions are available on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_201The ngrok API requires that you use Basic or Bearer authentication via the Authorization header. It could not parse the header in this request. Authorization Header: <VAL>. API keys and instructions are available on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_202The API authentication you specified does not look like a valid credential. Your credential: <TOKEN>. API keys and instructions are available on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_203The API authentication you specified is properly formed, but it is invalid. Your authentication: <TOKEN>. API keys and instructions are available on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_204Only the Pro and Enterprise accounts can use the ngrok API. This is a valid API token, but the account <ACCOUNT> is not authorized to use the ngrok API. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_205The account <ACCOUNT> has been suspended. This is usually the result of violating the ngrok Terms of Service. Email if you think your suspension is an error.
ERR_NGROK_206The authentication you specified is actually a tunnel credential. Your credential: <TOKEN>. Please check your records for an API key. API keys and instructions are available on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_207The authentication you specified is actually a tunnel credential, not an API key token. Your key: <TOKEN>. Please check your records for an API key with the form FIRSTPART_SECONDPART. API keys and instructions are available on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_208The authentication you specified is actually an API key ID, not an API key token. Your credential: <TOKEN>. Please check your records for an API key with the form FIRSTPART_SECONDPART. API keys and instructions are available on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_210The content type you specified <CTYPE> is not supported by the API. Please check your API client implementation and see the list of supported content types:
ERR_NGROK_211The <METHOD> request you made does not expect a body, but you provided one. Please check your API client implementation and review the API documentation:
ERR_NGROK_212The server was unable to read the complete request body. Please check your API client implementation and review the API documentation:
ERR_NGROK_213The <CTYPE> request body could not be parsed. Please check your API client implementation and review the API documentation:
ERR_NGROK_214The request parameter <NAME> is unknown and not expected. The supported fields are: <SUPPORTED>. Please check your API client implementation and review the API documentation:
ERR_NGROK_215The value provided for the request parameter <NAME> is invalid. Please check your request and review the API documentation:
ERR_NGROK_216You did not provide a Content-Type with your request. Please check your API client implementation and use one of the supported content types:
ERR_NGROK_217The provided API version <VERSION> is invalid or unsupported. Supported versions: <SUPPORTED>. Please check your API client implementation.
ERR_NGROK_218Your request has not specified an API version. Please include the version you wish to use in the Ngrok-Version header. Supported versions: <SUPPORTED>.
ERR_NGROK_219<TLSVERSION> is not a supported TLS version. Supported versions: <SUPPORTED>.
ERR_NGROK_220Your IP does not match the IP Policy for this Account. Please authenticate from an IP in the correct range or update your IP Restrictions from the ngrok dashboard.
ERR_NGROK_221This is a valid API token, but the account <ACCOUNT> is not authorized to submit or view abuse reports. Email if you believe this is an error.
ERR_NGROK_223<ID> is not a valid resource reference identifier.
ERR_NGROK_224The value <VAL> is not valid for the terminate_at property of the TLS Termination endpoint configuration module. Must be either 'edge' or 'upstream'.
ERR_NGROK_225Your account is limited to <MAX> simultaneous API requests.
ERR_NGROK_226Your account is rate limited to <MAX> API requests per <INTERVAL>.
ERR_NGROK_227The ID <VAL> is invalid. Expected an ID with a prefix of <PREFIX>.
ERR_NGROK_228The ID <VAL> is not a valid Certificate Authority ID.
ERR_NGROK_229The ID <VAL> is not a valid IP Policy ID.
ERR_NGROK_230The query part of the requested URI is invalid: <ERR>. Please check your API client implementation and review the API documentation:
ERR_NGROK_231The query part of the requested URI includes unknown parameters: <UNKNOWN>. The supported parameters are: <SUPPORTED>. Please check your API client implementation and review the API documentation:
ERR_NGROK_232The request must specify only a single value for the <NAME> parameter but got <COUNT>: <VALUES>. Please check your API client implementation and review the API documentation:
ERR_NGROK_233The page size limit must be between 1 and <MAX> but <VAL> was provided.
ERR_NGROK_235The Format <VAL> is missing or is not a valid Event Destination Format. Supported formats are: <SUPPORTED>.
ERR_NGROK_236The destination target is invalid. Expected fields include one of the following: <TARGETS>
ERR_NGROK_238The provided event type: <TYP> is not valid. Valid event types are <ID>
ERR_NGROK_239The provided field: <TYP> is not valid.
ERR_NGROK_240The provided event destination auth is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_241The value "<TS>" is not a valid RFC3339 timestamp. Error while parsing: "<ERR>".
ERR_NGROK_242The ID <VAL> is not a valid Backend ID.
ERR_NGROK_243The ID <VAL> is invalid. Expected an ID with prefix one of <PREFIXES>.
ERR_NGROK_244The page size limit must be a number between 1 and <MAX> but <VAL> was provided.
ERR_NGROK_247The account <ACCOUNT> has been suspended for non-payment. Update your payment method to pay your oustanding bill and resume service:
ERR_NGROK_300The authtoken credential <ID> has been revoked and is no longer valid.
ERR_NGROK_301The bind payload you specified is not valid. This usually indiciates a bug in the client's protocol implementation.The parsing error encountered was: <ERR>
ERR_NGROK_302TCP tunnels are only available after you sign up. Sign up at: you have already signed up, make sure your authtoken is installed. Your authtoken is available on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_303TLS tunnels are only available for Pro and Business paid plans. Sign up at: you have already signed up, make sure your authtoken is installed. Your authtoken is available on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_304HTTP auth is only available after you sign up. Failed to bind a tunnel with HTTP authentication for an unauthenticated client. Sign up at: you have already signed up, make sure your authtoken is installed. Your authtoken is available on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_305Only paid plans may bind custom subdomains. Failed to bind the custom subdomain <SUBDOMAIN> for an unauthenticated client. Sign up at: you have already signed up, make sure your authtoken is installed. Your authtoken is available on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_306Custom hostnames are only available for Pro and Business paid plans. Failed to bind the custom hostname <HOSTNAME> for an unauthenticated client. Sign up at: you have already signed up, make sure your authtoken is installed. Your authtoken is available on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_307You must reserve an address for your account before it can be bound. Failed to bind the address <ADDR> for the account <ACCOUNT> in region <REGION>. (Hint: Did you reserve the address in this region?)Reserve an address on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_308The credential ACL policy does not permit binding this address. Credential ID: <ID> Address: <ADDR>
ERR_NGROK_309This address is reserved for another account. Failed to bind the address <ADDR> for the account <ACCOUNT>. Reserve an address on your dashboard: you have reserved this address, make sure that you are using an authtoken credential for the appropriate account.
ERR_NGROK_310Only Pro and Enterprise plans may bind reserved addresses. Failed to bind the address <ADDR> for the account <ACCOUNT>. This account is on the <PLAN> plan.This usually only happens if you downgraded your account and it no longer has permission to use reserved addresses.Upgrade to Pro or Enterprise:
ERR_NGROK_311This address is allocated for a different region. Failed to bind the address <ADDR> in region <WANT> because it is reserved in the <HAVE> region.Try connecting to a different region:
ERR_NGROK_312Failed to bind a TLS tunnel for the account <ACCOUNT>. Only Enterprise plans may bind TLS tunnels. This account is on the <PLAN> plan.Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_313Only paid plans may bind custom subdomains. Failed to bind the custom subdomain <SUBDOMAIN> for the account <ACCOUNT>. This account is on the <PLAN> plan.Upgrade to a paid plan at:
ERR_NGROK_314Only Pro and Enterprise plans may bind custom hostnames. Failed to bind the custom hostname <HOSTNAME> for the account <ACCOUNT>. This account is on the <PLAN> plan.Upgrade to a paid plan at:
ERR_NGROK_315Only Enterprise plans may bind wildcard names. Failed to bind the wildcard name <DOMAIN> for the account <ACCOUNT>. This account is on the <PLAN> plan.Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_316The credential ACL policy does not permit binding this name. Credential ID: <ID> Name: <DOMAIN>
ERR_NGROK_317You cannot bind the domain <DOMAIN> in region <WANT> because it is only available in the <HAVE> region.Try connecting to a different region:
ERR_NGROK_318You must reserve a wildcard domain for your account before it can be bound. Failed to bind the wildcard domain <DOMAIN> for the account <ACCOUNT> in region <REGION>.Reserve a domain on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_319You must reserve a custom hostname for your account before it can be bound. Failed to bind the domain <DOMAIN> for the account <ACCOUNT> in region <REGION>. (Hint: Did you reserve the domain in this region?)Reserve this name on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_320This domain is reserved for another account. Failed to bind the domain <DOMAIN> for the account <ACCOUNT>.If you have reserved this name, make sure that you are using an authtoken credential for the appropriate account.Reserve a name on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_321Wildcard names must be reserved exactly. Failed to bind the wildcard domain <DOMAIN> for the account <ACCOUNT>. This name matches <MATCH> which is reserved for your account, but wildcard domains must be reserved with an exact match.Reserve this name on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_322This name is reserved in a different region. Failed to bind the domain <DOMAIN> in the region <WANT> because it is reserved in the <HAVE> region.Try connecting to a different region:
ERR_NGROK_323You may not run more than <MAX> tunnels over a single ngrok session without an account. You may increase this limit by signing up and upgrading. The tunnels already running on this session are: <URLS>Sign up at: you have already signed up, make sure your authtoken is installed. Your authtoken is available on your dashboard:

Your account may not run more than <MAX> tunnels over a single ngrok agent session. The tunnels already running on this session are: <URLS>

ERR_NGROK_326Invalid character <CHAR> in domain name. Valid domains may contain only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, . * and - characters. Failed to bind the domain <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_327Domain has an invalid character sequence. Valid domains may not contain repeated periods '..'. Failed to bind the domain <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_328Domain part <PART> has an invalid first character. Valid domain parts must begin with a-z, A-Z, 0-9 or *. Failed to bind the domain <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_329Domain part <PART> has an invalid last character. Valid domains must end with a-z A-Z or 0-9. Failed to bind the domain <DOMAIN>.

Domain has an invalid character sequence. Valid domains may not contain '--' in positions 3 and 4 unless the domain has a punycode prefix of 'xn--'. Failed to bind the domain <DOMAIN>.

ERR_NGROK_331You may not bind a domain with the TLD <SUFFIX>. This TLD is not reachable over the public internet. Failed to bind the domain <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_332<PROTO> is not a supported tunnel protocol
ERR_NGROK_333No tunnel found with the ID <ID>
ERR_NGROK_334The tunnel <URL> is already bound to another tunnel session
ERR_NGROK_335The bind cookie you specified is malformed. This usually indicates a bug in the client's protocol implementation.
ERR_NGROK_336Could not find an account while creating this tunnel. This is either an internal server error or you deleted your account.
ERR_NGROK_337The last payment for the <ACCOUNT> account failed. The account has been suspended. Update the payment information here:
ERR_NGROK_338The account <ACCOUNT> has been suspended. This is usually the result of violating the ngrok Terms of Service. Email if you think your suspension is an error.
ERR_NGROK_339Forwarding to a local file:/// URL is only available after you sign up. Sign up at: you have already signed up, make sure your authtoken is installed. Your authtoken is available on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_340Forwarding to local port 443 or a local https:// URL is only available after you sign up. Sign up at: you have already signed up, make sure your authtoken is installed. Your authtoken is available on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_341IP Policy with ID <ID> not found
ERR_NGROK_342Only Enterprise plans may use per-tunnel IP policies. Your account is not authorized to use per-tunnel IP policies.Upgrade to Enterprise:
ERR_NGROK_343Endpoint configuration <ID> does not allow the agent to set basic authentication. Update the endpoint configuration to specify 'agent' as the auth provider or remove the basic authentication settings from the agent's tunnel creation definition.
ERR_NGROK_344Endpoint configuration <ID> does not allow clients to set an IP policy.

Endpoint configuration <ID>s HTTPS module terminates TLS which is incompatible with a 'tls' tunnel. You may either:

  • Modify the endpoint configuration to include the HTTPS module with 'terminate_tls' disabled.
  • OR start an 'http' tunnel with -bind-tls=true or -bind-tls=both instead

Endpoint configuration <ID>s HTTPS module does not terminate TLS which is incompatible with a 'https' tunnel. You may either:

  • Modify the endpoint configuration to enable the 'terminate_tls' option
  • OR start a 'tls' tunnel instead
ERR_NGROK_347Domain has invalid punycode: <IDNA_ERROR>. Failed to bind the domain <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_348Your account is limited to <MAX> sessions.
ERR_NGROK_349Your account is rate limited for adding <MAX> sessions per <INTERVAL>.
ERR_NGROK_350Your account is limited to <MAX> tunnels in a session.
ERR_NGROK_351Your account is rate limited for adding <MAX> tunnels per <INTERVAL>.
ERR_NGROK_352Anonymous sessions are limited to <MAX> tunnels.
ERR_NGROK_353Anonymous sessions are rate limited for adding <MAX> tunnels per <INTERVAL>.
ERR_NGROK_354Failed to bind <DOMAIN>. Nested subdomains of the ngrok base endpoint domain <ENDPOINT_DOMAIN> must be reserved first. Alternatively, try <SUGGESTION> instead.
ERR_NGROK_355Invalid '_' in domain name. Valid domains may not contain underscores. Failed to bind the domain <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_356The credential ACL policy does not permit binding random TCP addresses. Credential ID: <ID>
ERR_NGROK_357Labeled tunnels are only available after you sign up. Sign up at: you have already signed up, make sure your authtoken is configured. Your authtoken is available on your dashboard:
ERR_NGROK_358Your account doesn't have permission to create labeled tunnels.
ERR_NGROK_359Invalid basic auth credential. Username must not be zero length.
ERR_NGROK_360Invalid basic auth credential. Password must be between <MINLENGTH> and <MAXLENGTH> characters, got <GOTLENGTH>.
ERR_NGROK_361Invalid circuit breaker configuration, error threshold percentage must be between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive, was <VAL>.
ERR_NGROK_362Invalid IP restriction configuration, invalid CIDR: <CIDR>
ERR_NGROK_363You must specify a supported provider name. Supported providers: [<SUPPORTED>]
ERR_NGROK_364Webhook provider <PROVIDER> is not supported. Supported providers: [<SUPPORTED>]
ERR_NGROK_365OAuth provider <PROVIDER> is not supported. Supported providers: [<SUPPORTED>]
ERR_NGROK_366You may not authorize more than <MAX> emails. Got <GOT>.
ERR_NGROK_367You may not authorize more than <MAX> email domains. Got <GOT>.
ERR_NGROK_368You may not request more than <MAX> oauth scopes. Got <GOT>.
ERR_NGROK_370Added request header should be in key:value format, got <VAL>
ERR_NGROK_371Added response header should be in key:value format, got <VAL>
ERR_NGROK_372<KEY> is not a valid HTTP header name because it contains at least one invalid character.
ERR_NGROK_373<KEY> is not a valid HTTP header name because it contains at least one invalid character.
ERR_NGROK_374<VAL> is not a valid HTTP header value: <REASON>.
ERR_NGROK_375Duplicate 'add' header, <HEADER> was provided twice with different casings: <CASE_ONE> and <CASE_TWO>.
ERR_NGROK_376Exceeded the maximum number of added headers. You specified <VAL>, the maximum is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_377The header beginning with <PREFIX>...' exceeds the maximum header name length of 128 bytes.
ERR_NGROK_378The header value for <HEADERKEY> beginning with <PREFIX>...' exceeds the maximum header value length of 1024 bytes.
ERR_NGROK_379The sendgrid verification key is not a base64 encoded ecdsa public key. The following error was encountered while trying to parse it: "<ERROR>"
ERR_NGROK_380The resource <ID> was referenced, but not found. Please retry, and contact support if this error persists.
ERR_NGROK_381The host <HOST> and port <PORT> you requested is already reserved by an edge.
ERR_NGROK_382The account "<NAME>" may not start a tunnel until the admin's email address is verified. Verify your email at
ERR_NGROK_383You may not specify an OAuth Client ID without also specifying a Client Secret. Specify both or neither.
ERR_NGROK_384You may not specify an OAuth Client Secret without also specifying a Client ID. Specify both or neither.
ERR_NGROK_385You must specify an OIDC Client ID.
ERR_NGROK_386You must specify an OIDC Client Secret.
ERR_NGROK_387You must specify the OIDC Issuer URL.
ERR_NGROK_388You may not request more than <MAX> OIDC scopes. Got <GOT>.
ERR_NGROK_389You must specify an OAuth client ID and secret for a custom application or neither client ID nor a secret for the ngrok-managed OAuth application.
ERR_NGROK_390You must use your own OAuth application, specifying its client ID and secret, in order to specify scopes.
ERR_NGROK_391You may not request an individual OAuth scope with length greater than <MAX>. Got scope <SCOPE> with length <GOT>.
ERR_NGROK_392You may not request an individual OIDC scope with length greater than <MAX>. Got scope <SCOPE> with length <GOT>.
ERR_NGROK_393When specifying CIDRs to deny, you must specify at least one CIDR to allow. Otherwise all traffic will be denied. Use and ::0/0 to accept all traffic not explicitly blocked by your deny rules.
ERR_NGROK_394Each tunnel must specify either a protocol or labels, but neither was set.
ERR_NGROK_395Bind rules in authtoken ACLs are not supported with labeled tunnels at this time.
ERR_NGROK_396Domain <DOMAIN> is not a valid DNS name. No domain part may be more than 63 characters long.
ERR_NGROK_397Domain <DOMAIN> is not a valid DNS name. Domains may not be more than 253 characters long.
ERR_NGROK_398The <ID> header cannot be removed without specifying a replacement.
ERR_NGROK_399The credential ACL policy does not permit binding this label. Credential ID: <ID> Label: <LABEL>
ERR_NGROK_400The region you specified, <REGION> is invalid. Please use one of the following acceptable values: <VALID>
ERR_NGROK_401Only Pro or Enterprise accounts can reserve domains. Your account can't reserve domains. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_402Only the first part of a reserved domain may be a '*' wildcard. Failed to reserve <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_403The first subdomain of a wildcard domain must be a single '*' character. Failed to reserve <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_404You may not reserve names on Please use an suffix. Failed to reserve <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_405You may not reserve a domain with the suffix <SUFFIX> in the <WANT> region because names with this suffix must be reserved for the <HAVE> region. Failed to reserve <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_406Invalid character <CHAR> in domain name. Valid domains may contain only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, . * and - characters. Failed to reserve <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_407Domain part <PART> has an invalid first character. Valid domain parts must begin with a-z, A-Z, 0-9 or *. Failed to reserve <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_408Domain part <PART> has an invalid last character. Valid domains must end with a-z A-Z or 0-9. Failed to reserve <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_409Domain has an invalid character sequence. Valid domains may not contain repeated periods '..'. Failed to reserve <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_410Domain has an invalid character sequence. Valid domains may not contain '--' in positions 3 and 4 unless the domain has a punycode prefix of 'xn--'. Failed to reserve <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_411You may not reserve a name on the TLD <SUFFIX>. This TLD is not reachable over the public internet. Failed to reserve <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_412Only Pro or Enterprise accounts can reserve tunnels on custom domains. Your account cannot reserve tunnels on custom domains (<DOMAIN> is not a subdomain of <BASE>).Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_413This domain is already reserved for your account. Failed to reserve <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_414This domain is already reserved for another account. Failed to reserve <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_415Your account is limited to <MAX> reserved domains. Email to purchase additional domains.
ERR_NGROK_416You may not register a wildcard for all <SUFFIX> domains. Failed to reserve <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_417This wildcard domain would conflict with a domain reserved for another account. Failed to reserve <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_418Your account is limited to <MAX> wildcard domains. Email to purchase additional wildcard domains.
ERR_NGROK_419Only Pro or Enterprise accounts can reserve wildcard domains. Your account can't reserve wildcard domains.Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at
ERR_NGROK_420A description is limited to <MAX> characters; you have entered <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_421Metadata is limited to <MAX> characters; you have entered <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_422The reserved domain name update failed because no values were provided. Specify at least one value.
ERR_NGROK_423The reserved domain name is limited to <MAX> characters; you are using <VAL> characters. The name you've requested is: <DOMAIN>
ERR_NGROK_424Domain <DOMAIN> does not require a CNAME record
ERR_NGROK_425Domain <DOMAIN> CNAME record not found
ERR_NGROK_426Domain <DOMAIN> CNAME record not found, A record <IPS> found
ERR_NGROK_427Domain <DOMAIN> CNAME record resolved to <HAVE>, should have been <WANT>
ERR_NGROK_428You may not assign endpoint configuration <ID> because it is type <TYPE>. You must assign a configuration with type <EXPECTEDTYPE>.
ERR_NGROK_429Domain has invalid punycode: <IDNA_ERROR>. Failed to reserve <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_430Another account is running an active tunnel on the domain <DOMAIN>. You may not reserve domains that are actively in use.
ERR_NGROK_431Your account is limited to <MAX> reserved domains.
ERR_NGROK_432Your account is rate limited for adding <MAX> reserved domains per <INTERVAL>.
ERR_NGROK_433Your account is limited to <MAX> reserved wildcard domains.
ERR_NGROK_434Either a certificate or a certificate management policy may be specified, not both
ERR_NGROK_435Invalid authority specified in managed certificate policy.
ERR_NGROK_436The certificate of a reserved domain with a managed certificate policy can not be detached directly, instead the managed certificate policy itself should be detached.
ERR_NGROK_438Invalid '_' in domain name. Valid domains may not contain underscores. Failed to reserve <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_439The certificate_management_policy field must be null for domains owned by ngrok.
ERR_NGROK_440Uploaded certificates are not allowed for domains owned by ngrok.
ERR_NGROK_441Domain <DOMAIN> does not require an ACME Challenge CNAME record
ERR_NGROK_442Domain <RECORD> ACME Challenge CNAME record not found
ERR_NGROK_443ACME Challenge <RECORD> CNAME record not found, A record <IPS> found
ERR_NGROK_444ACME Challenge <RECORD> CNAME record resolved to <HAVE>, should have been <WANT>
ERR_NGROK_445There was an error looking up the DNS <RTYPE> record for domain <DOMAIN> (status: <STATUS>): <MSG>
ERR_NGROK_500The region you specified, <REGION> is invalid. Please use one of the following acceptable values: <VALID>
ERR_NGROK_501Only Pro or Enterprise accounts can reserve addresses. Your account can't reserve addresses. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at
ERR_NGROK_502Your account is limited to <MAX> reserved addresses. Email to purchase additional addresses.
ERR_NGROK_503No available reserved addresses in region <REGION>
ERR_NGROK_504A description is limited to <MAX> characters; you have entered <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_505Metadata is limited to <MAX> characters; you have entered <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_506The reserved address update failed because no values were provided. Specify at least one value.
ERR_NGROK_507You may not assign endpoint configuration <ID> because it is type <TYPE>. You must assign a configuration with type 'tcp'.
ERR_NGROK_508Your account is limited to <MAX> reserved addresses.
ERR_NGROK_509Your account is rate limited for adding <MAX> reserved addresses per <INTERVAL>.
ERR_NGROK_511The domain <DOMAIN> has a dangling CNAME record. The CNAME must be deleted before this domain can be reserved.
ERR_NGROK_512The domain <DOMAIN> has a dangling A, AAAA, ALIAS or other record pointing to ngrok. The record must be deleted before this domain can be reserved.
ERR_NGROK_513The domain <DOMAIN> is not a valid DNS name. No domain part may be more than 63 characters long.
ERR_NGROK_514The domain <DOMAIN> is not a valid DNS name. Domains may not be more than 253 characters long.
ERR_NGROK_600Invalid ACL rule. An ACL rule must be '*' or start with 'bind:'. The bind value must match the format of a domain, address, or label. You specified: <RULE>.
ERR_NGROK_601Cannot delete user credential <ID>.
ERR_NGROK_602Your account is limited to <MAX> tunnel credentials. Email to increase the limit.
ERR_NGROK_603Your account is limited to <MAX> API keys. Email to increase the limit.
ERR_NGROK_604A description is limited to <MAX> characters; you have entered <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_605Metadata is limited to <MAX> characters; you have entered <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_606The credentials update failed because no values were provided. Specify at least one value.
ERR_NGROK_607Only Pro and Enterprise accounts can use the SSH tunnel feature. SSH tunnel feature is not enabled. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_608Your account is limited to <MAX> SSH keys. Email to increase the limit.
ERR_NGROK_609The public key <PUBKEY> already exists on your account.
ERR_NGROK_610The public key <PUBKEY> is already used in a different account. Remove it from the other ngrok account or generate a new SSH key pair (hint: use ssh-keygen).
ERR_NGROK_611Public key is missing or empty.
ERR_NGROK_612Invalid public key <PUBKEY>: <ERR>
ERR_NGROK_613Your account is limited to <MAX> API keys.
ERR_NGROK_614Your account is rate limited for adding <MAX> API keys per <INTERVAL>.
ERR_NGROK_615Your account is limited to <MAX> tunnel credentials.
ERR_NGROK_617Your account is limited to <MAX> SSH keys.
ERR_NGROK_619Your account is not authorized to use this ACL rule type. You specified: <RULE>.
ERR_NGROK_620Only Enterprise plans can use tunnel ACL rules. Your account is not authorized to use tunnel ACL rules.Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_621Only Enterprise plans can use API ACL rules. Your account is not authorized to use API ACL rules.Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_622Only Enterprise plans can use SSH ACL rules. Your account is not authorized to use SSH ACL rules.Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_627The auth token is already owned by a user and cannot be re-assigned ownership.
ERR_NGROK_628The API key is already owned by a user and cannot be re-assigned ownership.
ERR_NGROK_629The SSH public key is already owned by a user and cannot be re-assigned ownership.
ERR_NGROK_630You must be an admin to set credential ownership.
ERR_NGROK_702Too many connections! The tunnel session <SESSION> has violated the rate-limit policy of <THRESHOLD> connections per minute by initiating <COUNT> connections in the last <SECONDS> seconds. Please decrease your inbound connection volume or upgrade to a paid plan for additional capacity.
ERR_NGROK_703Too many connections! The account hosting this endpoint has violated the rate-limit policy of <THRESHOLD> connections per minute by initiating <COUNT> connections in the last <SECONDS> seconds. Please decrease your inbound connection volume or upgrade your account plan for additional capacity.
ERR_NGROK_708This URL has expired. Please sign up for a free ngrok account to create URLs that do not expire. You can also restart the ngrok agent which will create a new URL that will expire after the same amount of time.
ERR_NGROK_714This ngrok account has reached its simultaneous connections limit. Please log into to view your options.
ERR_NGROK_715This ngrok account has reached its connection rate limit. Please log into to view your options.
ERR_NGROK_716This anonymous ngrok session has reached its simultaneous connections limit.
ERR_NGROK_717This anonymous ngrok session has reached its connection rate limit.
ERR_NGROK_718Your account is rate limited to <MAX> bytes incoming traffic per <INTERVAL>.
ERR_NGROK_719Anonymous sessions are rate limited to <MAX> bytes incoming traffic per <INTERVAL>.
ERR_NGROK_720Your account is rate limited to <MAX> bytes outgoing traffic per <INTERVAL>.
ERR_NGROK_721Anonymous sessions are rate limited to <MAX> bytes outgoing traffic per <INTERVAL>.
ERR_NGROK_722internal server error
ERR_NGROK_724No backend is available to serve requests for endpoint <URL>.
ERR_NGROK_800Unknown stream type: <TYPE>. This usually indiciates a bug in the client's protocol implementation.
ERR_NGROK_801The request payload you specified is not valid. This usually indiciates a bug in the client's protocol implementation.The parsing error encountered was: <ERR>
ERR_NGROK_802internal server error
ERR_NGROK_803The server process is shutting down and refusing new requests.
ERR_NGROK_804This ngrok agent does not support remote restarting: <REASON>.
ERR_NGROK_805This ngrok agent does not support remote stopping: <REASON>.
ERR_NGROK_806This ngrok agent does not support remote updating: <REASON>.
ERR_NGROK_807The remote ngrok agent failed to stop because of an error: <ERR>
ERR_NGROK_808The remote ngrok agent failed to restart because of an error: <ERR>
ERR_NGROK_809The remote ngrok agent failed to update because of an error: <ERR>
ERR_NGROK_810There was a networking error while trying to send this operation to the ngrok agent or trying to read the response. This usually indicates that the ngrok agent was in the process of shutting down or reconnecting, but it could also result from a networking timeout or failure. It is possible, but unlikely, that the operation succeeded.
ERR_NGROK_811Could not negotiate a protocol version. Requested: "<REQUESTED>", Supported: <SUPPORTED>"
ERR_NGROK_812Your request exceeded the maximum size of <SIZE>.
ERR_NGROK_1000Your billing address is too long: <VAL> bytes. Max: <MAX>
ERR_NGROK_1001Your tax ID is too long: <VAL> bytes. Max: <MAX>
ERR_NGROK_1002Your account is limited to <MAX> billing email addresses. Email to increase the limit
ERR_NGROK_1003The billing email <ID> (<EMAIL>) may not be deleted
ERR_NGROK_1004The billing email is too long: <VAL> bytes. Max: <MAX>
ERR_NGROK_1005The billing email address <EMAIL> is invalid: <ERR>
ERR_NGROK_1006There was a problem with your credit card: <MSG>
ERR_NGROK_1007Your subscription was updated, by we failed to charge your card: <MSG>.
ERR_NGROK_1008Your account is limited to <MAX> billing email addresses.
ERR_NGROK_1010The email address "<EMAIL>" is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_1011Your account is currently past due. You may only enter a payment method to pay your overdue invoice or switch to the free plan.
ERR_NGROK_1012You may not purchase fewer licenses than users. Your account currently has <USERS> users.
ERR_NGROK_1013Yearly plans can only be downgraded or canceled in their final month. Try again after <TIMESTAMP>.
ERR_NGROK_1014You may only purchase one license product at a time.
ERR_NGROK_1015You are on an old custom subscription. Please contact for help with changing your subscription.
ERR_NGROK_1016Cannot charge customer that has no active payment source.
ERR_NGROK_1017Accounts in bad standing may only switch to a free plan or update their payment method.
ERR_NGROK_1100No public keys were sent for this SSH tunnel. Configure SSH with public key authentication and register your keys at Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at: to enable SSH tunnels.
ERR_NGROK_1101Too many public keys sent for this SSH tunnel (sent <VAL>, max <MAX>). Rerun ssh with '-v' to check what keys get sent
ERR_NGROK_1102Could not find your account based on the public keys sent for this SSH tunnel. Anonymous SSH tunneling is not supported. Check your SSH configuration and register your keys at
ERR_NGROK_1103Only Pro or Enterprise accounts can use the SSH tunneling feature. The account <ACCOUNT> doesn't have the SSH tunneling feature enabled. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at: to enable SSH tunnels.
ERR_NGROK_1104Multiplexing is not supported with SSH tunneling
ERR_NGROK_1105Only one port forward per tunneling session is supported.
ERR_NGROK_1106Could not find <USER> API version. Use <VERSION> as user when connecting with SSH to get the latest version.
ERR_NGROK_1107No tunnel type specified. The SSH command specifies the type of tunnel to create, one of 'http', 'tls', or 'tcp'.
ERR_NGROK_1108<CMD> is not a valid tunnel type. The SSH command must be one of 'http', 'tls', or 'tcp'.
ERR_NGROK_1109<FLAG> flag is not supported when using SSH tunneling
ERR_NGROK_1110Error while parsing the <CMD> command:<OUT>
ERR_NGROK_1111Timeout while waiting for SSH session
ERR_NGROK_1112Timeout while waiting for port forward request. Use 'ssh -R ...' option to specify your port forwarding.
ERR_NGROK_1113Cannot use bind port <PORT> when using <CMD> command. Use 'ssh -R 0:host:hostport ...' to let the server choose the remote port based on the command.
ERR_NGROK_1114Cannot use bind address '-R <HOST>:<PORT>:' with '-remote-addr=<ADDR> parameter. You may either specify -R <HOST>:<PORT>:' or -remote-addr=<ADDR> but not both.
ERR_NGROK_1115Cannot request a custom TCP port '-R <PORT>:' with '-remote-addr=<ADDR> parameter. Remove -remote-addr and specify 'ssh -R address:port:host:port' to bind on your reserved address.Example: ssh -R 0:localhost:22 ... Example: ssh -R ...
ERR_NGROK_1116Cannot request a custom bind port '-R <PORT>:'. You may either specify a reserved TCP address with '-R address:port:' or you may let the server choose a random remote port for you with '-R 0:'.Example: ssh -R 0:localhost:22 ... Example: ssh -R ...
ERR_NGROK_1117Cannot request a random port with a custom bind address <ADDR> in '-R <ADDR>:0:'. You may either specify a reserved TCP address with '-R address:port:' or you may let the server choose a random remote port for you with '-R 0:'.Example: ssh -R 0:localhost:22 ... Example: ssh -R ...
ERR_NGROK_1118Cannot use binding address '-R <ADDR>:' with '-hostname=<HOSTNAME> parameter. You may either specify '-R <ADDR>:' or '-hostname=<HOSTNAME> but not both.
ERR_NGROK_1119Cannot use binding address '-R <ADDR>:' with '-subdomain=<SUBDOMAIN> parameter. You may either specify binding address '-R <ADDR>:' or '-subdomain=<SUBDOMAIN> but not both.
ERR_NGROK_1120Cannot use '-hostname=<HOSTNAME> with '-subdomain=<SUBDOMAIN> parameter. You may either specify '-hostname=<HOSTNAME> or '-subdomain=<SUBDOMAIN> but not both.
ERR_NGROK_1121SSH sessions do not support update.
ERR_NGROK_1122SSH sessions do not support restart.
ERR_NGROK_1123Tunnel '-proxy-proto=<PROXYPROTO> specifies invalid protocol version. Use one of version '1' or '2' to enable proxy proto.
ERR_NGROK_1200Authorized account's primary email <EMAIL> is not verified.
ERR_NGROK_1202You can't enable Google OAuth without first connecting a Google Apps login.
ERR_NGROK_1203You can't enable Google OAuth because your connected Google login does not have a Google Apps domain.
ERR_NGROK_1204You can't delete your payment method while you have an active subscription.
ERR_NGROK_1205You failed to solve the catpcha, please try again.
ERR_NGROK_1207Cannot switch to an account you are not a member of.
ERR_NGROK_1208You failed to solve the catpcha, please try again.
ERR_NGROK_1210Invalid subscription interval <INTERVAL>.
ERR_NGROK_1211Warning: Your IP does not match the IP Policy for this Account. When IP Restrictions are enforced you will not be able to access the dashboard. Please authenticate from an IP in the correct range or update your IP Restrictions.
ERR_NGROK_1212Your IP does not match the IP Policy for this Account. Please authenticate from an IP in the correct range or update your IP Restrictions from the ngrok dashboard.
ERR_NGROK_1213A new version of the ngrok dashboard is required to continue. Please refresh the page to update.
ERR_NGROK_1214Your account is rate limited to <MAX> requests per <INTERVAL>.
ERR_NGROK_1215The user <EMAIL> does not have permissions to invite other team members.
ERR_NGROK_1216The user <EMAIL> does not have permissions to manage team members.
ERR_NGROK_1217The user <EMAIL> does not have permissions to view billing information.
ERR_NGROK_1218The user <EMAIL> does not have permissions to change billing information.
ERR_NGROK_1219The user <EMAIL> does not have permissions to change developer resources.
ERR_NGROK_1220The user <EMAIL> does not have administrative privileges which are required to perform this operation.
ERR_NGROK_1221Refusing to perform an account delete operation because you are using the dashboard with a different active account than the one you requested deletion for.
ERR_NGROK_1222You are not a member of any account.
ERR_NGROK_1223You are logged out, please log back in.
ERR_NGROK_1224You are no longer a member of the current account.
ERR_NGROK_1225You must accept the terms of service and privacy policy to sign up for ngrok.
ERR_NGROK_1226You are disallowed from creating an ngrok account due to violation of the terms of service.
ERR_NGROK_1227The number of login attempts with this email has been exceeded, please try again later.
ERR_NGROK_1400The IP Policy update failed because no values were provided. Specify at least one value
ERR_NGROK_1401The IP Policy Rule update failed because no values were provided. Specify at least one value
ERR_NGROK_1402IP Policy not found
ERR_NGROK_1404IP Policy Rule not found
ERR_NGROK_1405Required parameter is missing. Please specify <PARAM>
ERR_NGROK_1406Invalid CIDR: <CIDR>
ERR_NGROK_1407IP Policy with name <NAME> already exists
ERR_NGROK_1408IP Policy Rule with CIDR <CIDR> already exists
ERR_NGROK_1409IP Policy Rule CIDR <CIDR> must be specified using the lowest IP address in the range. Did you mean <SUGGESTION>?
ERR_NGROK_1410Your account is limited to a maximum of <MAX> IP Policies
ERR_NGROK_1411Your account is limited to a maximum of <MAX> IP Policy rules for each IP Policy
ERR_NGROK_1412Only Pro or Enterprise accounts can use per-tunnel IP policies. Your account is not authorized to use per-tunnel IP policies. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_1413IP Policy Rule is missing a network mask. Consider using <IP>/<BITS> if you want to target a single host IP.
ERR_NGROK_1414The provided ip_policy_id is invalid. Please check the value given with your request.
ERR_NGROK_1415Your account is limited to <MAX> IP Policies.
ERR_NGROK_1417Your account is limited to <MAX> rules per IP Policy.
ERR_NGROK_1419Cannot delete only rule (<RULEID>) in use by dashboard IP Restriction (<RESTRICTIONID>). Please detach this IP Policy from IP Restriction before deleting this rule.
ERR_NGROK_1420Cannot delete IP Policy (<POLICYID>) because it is referenced by one or more IP Restrictions: (<RESTRICTIONIDS>). Please detach this IP Policy from all IP Restrictions before deleting it.
ERR_NGROK_1421The IP Policy Rule description exceeds the maximum length of <MAX>, got <SIZE>.
ERR_NGROK_1422An IP Policy Rule must have an 'action' of either 'allow' or 'deny'.
ERR_NGROK_1423An action should now be specified on the IP Policy Rule, not IP Policy. Please contact ngrok support if you need additional time to migrate.
ERR_NGROK_1500Maintenance in progress, operations for some resources are read-only
ERR_NGROK_1501Maintenance in progress, some operations are unavailable
ERR_NGROK_1600Endpoint configuration not found
ERR_NGROK_1601Invalid endpoint configuration ID
ERR_NGROK_1602Invalid endpoint configuration request
ERR_NGROK_1607The IP Policy ID <ID> specified for the IP Policy module does not exist.
ERR_NGROK_1608Only Pro or Enterprise accounts can use endpoint configuration. Your account is not authorized to use endpoint configurations. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_1609Your account is limited to a maximum of <MAX> endpoint configurations.
ERR_NGROK_1611Invalid endpoint configuration, circuit breaker error threshold percentage must be between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive, was <VAL>.
ERR_NGROK_1612The auth provider <VAL> does not exist. Specify an auth provider ID or the special value 'agent'.
ERR_NGROK_1613The endpoint configuration exceeds the max number of ip policies. You specified <VAL>, the maximum is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_1614The endpoint configuration TLS CA certificate size exceeds the max. You specified <VAL>, the maximum is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_1615The endpoint configuration exceeds the max number of headers. You specified <VAL>, the maximum is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_1616Invalid endpoint configuration, circuit breaker tripped duration must be greater than 0, was <VAL>.
ERR_NGROK_1617Invalid endpoint configuration, circuit breaker rolling window must be greater than 0, was <VAL>.
ERR_NGROK_1618Invalid endpoint configuration, circuit breaker num buckets must be greater than 0 and less than <MAX>, was <VAL>.
ERR_NGROK_1619The endpoint configuration could not be deleted because it is still referenced by at least one reserved domain or reserved address.
ERR_NGROK_1620The endpoint configuration must specify a type.
ERR_NGROK_1621The module <NAME> is not supported on an endpoint configuration of type <TYPE>.
ERR_NGROK_1622<NAME> is not a valid endpoint configuration type. Must be one of 'http', 'https', 'tcp'.
ERR_NGROK_1623<KEY> is not a valid HTTP header name because it contains at least one invalid character.
ERR_NGROK_1624<VAL> is not a valid HTTP header value: <REASON>.
ERR_NGROK_1625You must specify at least one IP policy in the IP Policy module.
ERR_NGROK_1626SNS webhook validation does not accept a secret.
ERR_NGROK_1627Webhook validation for <T> requires a secret.
ERR_NGROK_1628There were validation errors while saving the endpoint configuration:<ERRS>
ERR_NGROK_1629You must specify a supported provider name. Supported providers: [<T>]
ERR_NGROK_1630Webhook provider <T> is not supported. Supported providers: [<TYPE>]
ERR_NGROK_1631Only Pro or Enterprise accounts can use webhook validation. Your account is not authorized to use webhook validation. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_1632You may not configure the TLS termination parameter <PARAMETER> when the HTTPS module disables TLS termination.
ERR_NGROK_1633Invalid endpoint configuration, unmanaged provider configurations must specify a client ID and a client secret.
ERR_NGROK_1634Invalid endpoint configuration, custom OAuth scopes on a managed OAuth application are not allowed. Define a custom OAuth application to use custom scopes.
ERR_NGROK_1635Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth auth check interval must be at least <MIN>, was <ACTUAL>.
ERR_NGROK_1636Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth may only have one provider configuration but multiple are defined: [<PROVIDER_NAMES>].
ERR_NGROK_1637Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth does not define any provider configurations but one is required.
ERR_NGROK_1638Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> requires at least the <SCOPE> scope to authenticate by <AUTH_FEATURE>.'
ERR_NGROK_1639Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> contains an invalid email domain: <NAME>.
ERR_NGROK_1640Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth GitHub Teams must be listed as either numerical ids or in the format 'org_slug/team_slug', <TEAM> does not match either format.
ERR_NGROK_1641Only Pro or Enterprise accounts can use OAuth. Your account is not authorized to use OAuth. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_1642Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth cookie prefix <PREFIX> must consist of only alphanumeric characters with periods.
ERR_NGROK_1643Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> contains an invalid email address, <NAME>.
ERR_NGROK_1644Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> contains an email domain with invalid punycode: <NAME>.
ERR_NGROK_1645Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> contains an email address with invalid punycode: <NAME>.
ERR_NGROK_1646Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> email addresses must be unique, but a duplicate is present: <DUPLICATE>.
ERR_NGROK_1647Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> email domains must be unique, but a duplicate is present: <DUPLICATE>.
ERR_NGROK_1648Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> teams must be unique, but a duplicate is present: <DUPLICATE>.
ERR_NGROK_1649Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> organizations must be unique, but a duplicate is present: <DUPLICATE>.
ERR_NGROK_1650Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> groups must be unique, but a duplicate is present: <DUPLICATE>.
ERR_NGROK_1651Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> email addresses must not contain empty values
ERR_NGROK_1652Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> email domains must not contain empty values
ERR_NGROK_1653Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> teams must not contain empty values
ERR_NGROK_1654Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> organizations must not contain empty values
ERR_NGROK_1655Invalid endpoint configuration, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> groups must not contain empty values
ERR_NGROK_1656The endpoint configuration exceeds the maximum number of OAuth scopes. You specified <COUNT>, the max is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_1657The endpoint configuration exceeds the maximum number of OAuth GitHub teams. You specified <COUNT>, the max is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_1658The endpoint configuration exceeds the maximum number of OAuth GitHub orgs. You specified <COUNT>, the max is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_1659The endpoint configuration exceeds the maximum number of OAuth Google groups. You specified <COUNT>, the max is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_1660The endpoint configuration exceeds the maximum number of OAuth emails. You specified <COUNT>, the max is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_1661The endpoint configuration exceeds the maximum number of OAuth domains. You specified <COUNT>, the max is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_1662The endpoint configuration specifies the following modules which may not be enabled when TLS is not terminated: <MODULE_NAMES>.
ERR_NGROK_1667Invalid endpoint configuration, email addresses must be lowercase but <EMAIL> is not.
ERR_NGROK_1668Invalid endpoint configuration, email domains must be lowercase but <DOMAIN> is not.
ERR_NGROK_1669Duplicate 'add' header, <HEADER> was provided twice with different casings: <CASE_ONE> and <CASE_TWO>.
ERR_NGROK_1670Your account is limited to <MAX> endpoint configurations.
ERR_NGROK_1672The CA ID <ID> specified for the Mutual TLS module does not exist.
ERR_NGROK_1673Description is limited to <MAX> characters; you have entered <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_1674Metadata is limited to <MAX> characters; you have entered <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_1675The Mutual TLS configurations exceeds the limit of <LIMIT> attached certificate authorities.
ERR_NGROK_1679The endpoint configuration specifies conflicting authentication modules. Only one of SAML, OIDC, OAuth or Basic Auth may be enabled.
ERR_NGROK_1680The SAML metadata exceeds the maximum length of 16834 bytes, got <NBYTES>.
ERR_NGROK_1681You must specify only the SAML IdP metadata or the SAML IdP metadata URL, but not both.
ERR_NGROK_1682Failed to connect to IdP metadata URL <MDURL>: <ERR>.
ERR_NGROK_1683Failed to parse the SAML IdP metadata: <ERR>.
ERR_NGROK_1684Received unexpected status code <STATUSCODE> while fetching metadata URL <MDURL>
ERR_NGROK_1685Failed to parse the SAML IdP metadata fetched from URL <MDURL>: <ERR>.
ERR_NGROK_1686Encountered an error while reading the response body from the IdP metadata URL <MDURL>: <ERR>.
ERR_NGROK_1687The specified OIDC issuer has a maximum length of 255 bytes. The specified value is <N> bytes.
ERR_NGROK_1688The OIDC issuer property is required.
ERR_NGROK_1689The OIDC Client ID property is required.
ERR_NGROK_1690The OIDC Client Secret property is required.
ERR_NGROK_1691One of the SAML IdP Metadata or IdP Metadata URL properties must be specified.
ERR_NGROK_1692Invalid endpoint configuration, session inactivity timeout cannot be more than one year, was <ACTUAL>.
ERR_NGROK_1693"<FORMAT>" is not a supported SAML nameid format.
ERR_NGROK_1694Mutual TLS at edge requires TLS termination at edge.
ERR_NGROK_1695No PEM data found in provided mutual TLS CA.
ERR_NGROK_1696Certificate provided for mutual TLS is not a valid CA.
ERR_NGROK_1697The header beginning with <PREFIX>...' exceeds the maximum header name length of 128 bytes.
ERR_NGROK_1698The header value for <HEADERKEY> beginning with <PREFIX>...' exceeds the maximum header value length of 1024 bytes.
ERR_NGROK_1699The sendgrid verification key is not a base64 encoded ecdsa public key. The following error was encountered while trying to parse it: "<ERROR>"
ERR_NGROK_1700Only Enterprise accounts can use session operations. Your account is not authorized to use session operations. Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at
ERR_NGROK_1701Only Enterprise accounts can stop or restart the agent. Your account is not authorized to stop or restart the agent. Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at
ERR_NGROK_1702Only Enterprise accounts can update the agent. Your account is not authorized to update the agent. Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at
ERR_NGROK_1800You have reached the maximum of <MAX> IP Policies on a restriction.
ERR_NGROK_1801Invalid IP Restriction. The policy <POLICY_ID> does not exist on your account.
ERR_NGROK_1802Only one IP Restriction is allowed per type. Consider either deleting the existing <TYPE> restriction first, or updating it instead.
ERR_NGROK_1803The provided IP Restriction type "<TYPE>" is invalid. Valid types: <SUPPORTED>.
ERR_NGROK_1804An IP Restriction must specify at least one IP Policy.
ERR_NGROK_1805Only Pro or Enterprise accounts can use dashboard IP restrictions. Your account is not authorized to use dashboard IP restrictions. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_1806Only Pro or Enterprise accounts can use API IP restrictions. Your account is not authorized to use API IP restrictions. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_1807Only Pro or Enterprise accounts can use agent IP restrictions. Your account is not authorized to use agent IP restrictions. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_1808Only Pro or Enterprise accounts can use endpoints IP restrictions. Your account is not authorized to use endpoints IP restrictions. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_1900The provided certificate is in an unknown or unsupported format. The error encountered while parsing was: "<ERROR>"
ERR_NGROK_1901No PEM-encoded private key was found in the creation request.
ERR_NGROK_1902The provided private key is encrypted.
ERR_NGROK_1903The provided private key is in an unknown or unsupported format.
ERR_NGROK_1904Your account can't upload custom TLS certificates.
ERR_NGROK_1905Your account can't use managed TLS certificates.
ERR_NGROK_1906The domain <DOMAIN> is not a valid domain name.
ERR_NGROK_1907The ip <IP> is not a valid IP address.
ERR_NGROK_1908Invalid authority <AUTHORITY>. Valid authorities: <SUPPORTED>.
ERR_NGROK_1909Invalid private key type <TYPE>. Valid types: <SUPPORTED>.
ERR_NGROK_1910The provided PEM data contains a non-zero number of headers, which are not allowed.
ERR_NGROK_1911The provided data is a valid PEM, but it has an unexpected type: <TYPE>. It must be "CERTIFICATE".
ERR_NGROK_1912The upload contained <COUNT> certificates: <CNS>. Only a single certificate may be uploaded at a time.
ERR_NGROK_1913The uploaded certificate's x509 Basic Constraints did not mark it as a certificate authority (see RFC 5280,
ERR_NGROK_1914The description is limited to <MAX> characters, but the provided value had <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_1915Metadata is limited to <MAX> characters, but the provided value had <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_1916The description is limited to <MAX> characters, but the provided value had <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_1917Metadata is limited to <MAX> characters, but the provided value had <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_1918Your account is not allowed to upload certificate authorities.
ERR_NGROK_1919No certificate PEM data was sent.
ERR_NGROK_1920The certificate data could not be parsed as PEM. Certificate data: "<PREFIX>".
ERR_NGROK_1921The uploaded certificate PEM data exceeds the maximum length limit of <MAX_SIZE> bytes.
ERR_NGROK_1922No PEM-encoded certificate was found in the creation request.
ERR_NGROK_1923The provided certificate and private key do not match each other.
ERR_NGROK_1924The provided private key is actually a certificate.
ERR_NGROK_1925The provided certificate is actually a private key.
ERR_NGROK_1926The uploaded certificate bundle contained the following certificates in this order: [<ORDER>], however <INVALID> has not been signed by <INTERMEDIATE>.
ERR_NGROK_1927The domain <DOMAIN> is not available for certificate management.
ERR_NGROK_1929Invalid nameserver count. There should be <WANT> but only found <GOT> for <ZONE>
ERR_NGROK_1930Nameservers are not set up correctly for <DOMAIN>, expected <WANT> but got <GOT>
ERR_NGROK_1934Got error <ERROR> where parsing public key <PUBLICKEY>
ERR_NGROK_1935<CERTTYPE> is not a valid SSH certificate type. Valid certificate types: <SUPPORTED>.
ERR_NGROK_1936"<KEYTYPE>" is not a valid SSH key type. Valid key types: <SUPPORTED>.
ERR_NGROK_1937The description is limited to <MAX> characters, but the provided value had <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_1938Metadata is limited to <MAX> characters, but the provided value had <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_1939Invalid key size <KEYSIZE>. Valid key sizes: <SUPPORTED>.
ERR_NGROK_1940Key size is supported only with a key type of "rsa", but the specified key type was "<KEYTYPE>".
ERR_NGROK_1941Invalid elliptic curve "<CURVE>". Valid elliptic curves: <SUPPORTED>.
ERR_NGROK_1942Elliptic curve is supported only with a key type of "ecdsa", but the specified key type was "<KEYTYPE>".
ERR_NGROK_1943The SSH CA Certificate duration must be greater than zero; got duration of <DURATION>.
ERR_NGROK_1945The description is limited to <MAX> characters, but the provided value had <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_1946Metadata is limited to <MAX> characters, but the provided value had <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_1947The description is limited to <MAX> characters, but the provided value had <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_1948Metadata is limited to <MAX> characters, but the provided value had <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_1949The SSH CA <CA> does not exist.
ERR_NGROK_1950Certificates are not supported for public keys of type <KEYTYPE>.
ERR_NGROK_1951The SSH CA <CA> does not exist.
ERR_NGROK_1952The public key to sign in the certificate is required, but no public key was specified.
ERR_NGROK_1953Your account is not allowed to use SSH certificates.
ERR_NGROK_1954Your account is limited to <MAX> Certificate Authorities.
ERR_NGROK_1956Your account is limited to <MAX> SSH Certificate Authorities.
ERR_NGROK_1958Your account is limited to <MAX> SSH Host Certificates.
ERR_NGROK_1960Your account is limited to <MAX> SSH User Certificates.
ERR_NGROK_1962SSH User Certificate duration must be greater than zero; got duration of <DURATION>.
ERR_NGROK_1963SSH Host Certificate duration must be greater than zero; got duration of <DURATION>.
ERR_NGROK_1964Can't delete SSH CA <ID> because an SSH certificate signed by it exists. Delete all host and user SSH certificates signed by this CA before deleting it.
ERR_NGROK_1965The certificate <ID> does not exist.
ERR_NGROK_1966The certificate <ID> could not be deleted because it has an attached Managed Certificate Policy. If this certificate is automatically generated, delete the domain reservation or use a different certificate type.
ERR_NGROK_2062Paths given in HTTPMux rules must be either empty or absolute. Perhaps you meant to specify '/<PATH>?
ERR_NGROK_2063The method <METHOD> was specified multiple times for the path <PATH>. Each method must be unique among all rules with the same path.
ERR_NGROK_2065HTTPMux must have at least one rule.
ERR_NGROK_2067Too many rules given to HTTPMux. You provided <VAL> rules, but the limit is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_2069The method (<METHOD>) specified in an HTTPMux rule is invalid or otherwise not currently supported.
ERR_NGROK_2070The path specified in an HTTPMux rule is too long. The path provided has <VAL> bytes, but the limit is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_2071The path specified in an HTTPMux rule is unsupported or otherwise invalid.
ERR_NGROK_2089Found duplicate routing rule. Each rule must be unique.
ERR_NGROK_2090The user agent filter regular expression REGEX is an invalid regular expression: ERR.
ERR_NGROK_3002Error performing TLS handshake: <ERR>
ERR_NGROK_3003This client does not support TLS SNI, but the endpoint's TLS configuration requires SNI. See
ERR_NGROK_3004ngrok gateway error The server returned an invalid or incomplete HTTP response.
ERR_NGROK_3005ngrok gateway timeout A connection to the server not be established.
ERR_NGROK_3006ngrok gateway error The server refused our connection
ERR_NGROK_3007ngrok gateway error
ERR_NGROK_3008ngrok gateway error None of the configured backends responded in time
ERR_NGROK_3009ngrok gateway error Received an HTTP network error (status code 0) from a backend
ERR_NGROK_3010ngrok gateway error Received an HTTP response with unknown status code <CODE> from a backend
ERR_NGROK_3100Your session has expired due to age.Refresh this page or use the link below to log back in with <PROVIDER>.
ERR_NGROK_3101We lack permission to retrieve your data from <PROVIDER> and cannot continue.Make sure to allow all requested permissions for this application.
ERR_NGROK_3102<PROVIDER> requires that you correct an issue with your account prior to using this website.Please log in to <PROVIDER>, correct the issue, and then refresh this page.
ERR_NGROK_3103<PROVIDER> requires that you correct an issue with your account prior to using this website:<ERROR_TITLE>: <ERROR_MESSAGE>After correcting the issue with <PROVIDER>, refresh this page.
ERR_NGROK_3104The email "<EMAIL>" associated with your <PROVIDER> account is not valid.Please correct your email with <PROVIDER> and then refresh this page.
ERR_NGROK_3105You lack the required permission to use this site.Contact the owner to obtain permission and then refresh this page.
ERR_NGROK_3106The initial information required to authenticate with <PROVIDER> is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_3107The state parameter used to validate your request is missing.Please close this page and try again.
ERR_NGROK_3108The state parameter used to validate your request cannot be read.Please close this page and try again.
ERR_NGROK_3109<PROVIDER> did not provide an email for your account.Check that you have a primary email and that it's confirmed before trying again.
ERR_NGROK_3110The email permission from <PROVIDER> was not granted but is required. Please ensure that the email permission is granted.
ERR_NGROK_3111All requested permissions with <PROVIDER> must be granted in order to use this site, but the following were not: <PERMISSIONS>.
ERR_NGROK_3112<PROVIDER> has returned an error when attempting to authorize you to use this site:<ERROR>
ERR_NGROK_3113<PROVIDER> denied access to this application when retrieving your information. This is likely caused by expiration or revocation of your authorization.
ERR_NGROK_3114In order to continue, you must authorize this application's access to <PROVIDER>.
ERR_NGROK_3115The redirect_uri configured for this application is not properly configured or whitelisted with <PROVIDER>.Please contact the owner of this application in order to fix this error.
ERR_NGROK_3116<PROVIDER> denied access to your data when attempting to authorize you.Please contact the owner of this application to ensure it is properly installed for your organization.
ERR_NGROK_3117The initial link used to authorize with <PROVIDER> had unsupported parameters.
ERR_NGROK_3118<PROVIDER> denied access to your data.Please contact the owner of this application to ensure it is properly installed for your organization.
ERR_NGROK_3119Logging in with <PROVIDER> took more than 15 minutes and was rejected for security.Please try again.
ERR_NGROK_3120The state parameter required to finish authorization with <PROVIDER> is missing.Please start over to try again.
ERR_NGROK_3121The nonce cookie required to finish authorization with <PROVIDER> is missing.Please start over to try again.
ERR_NGROK_3122The access code from <PROVIDER> has expired and cannot be used.Please try again and finish authorization more quickly.
ERR_NGROK_3123The access code from <PROVIDER> has already been used.Please remove any bookmarks to this page and start reauthorization again.
ERR_NGROK_3124The state parameter required to finish authorization with <PROVIDER> does not match this host.Please try again.
ERR_NGROK_3125<PROVIDER> denied access to your data.The owner of this application should verify the OAuth application client ID and secret are valid.
ERR_NGROK_3126<PROVIDER> rejected authorization due to a invalid or unknown scope requested by this application.The owner of this application must correct the application configuration before you can continue.
ERR_NGROK_3127<PROVIDER> rejected authorization due to invalid or expired credentials.If this error persists after reauthorizing, contact the owner of the application to ensure you have permission.
ERR_NGROK_3150An error occurred when retrieving your session.Please refresh the page to log in and try again.
ERR_NGROK_3151<PROVIDER> rejected use of your session's OAuth token: "<ERROR>". Your session is invalid and cannot continue.
ERR_NGROK_3152An invalid request was sent to <PROVIDER> but its response is required in order to continue. This is a bug and it has been reported; please try again in a couple of hours to see if it has been resolved.
ERR_NGROK_3160An unexpected error occurred when communicating with <PROVIDER>.
ERR_NGROK_3161<PROVIDER> has throttled this application and cannot be reached right now.Please try again in a few minutes.
ERR_NGROK_3162<PROVIDER> has throttled this application and cannot be reached right now.Please try again in about an hour.
ERR_NGROK_3163An error occurred when finishing authorization with <PROVIDER>. This is likely caused by authorization taking too long.Please try again.
ERR_NGROK_3164An error occurred when authorizing with <PROVIDER>:<ERROR>
ERR_NGROK_3165<PROVIDER> is too busy to handle requests and authorization cannot be completed at this time.
ERR_NGROK_3166<PROVIDER> enountered an error and authorization cannot be completed at this time.
ERR_NGROK_3167<PROVIDER> is too busy to handle requests and required data cannot be retrieved right now. Wait a few minutes before trying again.
ERR_NGROK_3200Tunnel <HOSTNAME> not found
ERR_NGROK_3202Circuit breaker tripped
ERR_NGROK_3203Request blocked by IP Policy
ERR_NGROK_3204Request failed webhook verification
ERR_NGROK_3205Request blocked by Endpoints IP Restriction
ERR_NGROK_3206Expected a websocket request with a "Connection: upgrade" header but did not receive one.
ERR_NGROK_3208The account associated with this hostname has been banned.We've determined this account to be in violation of ngrok's terms of service.If you are the account owner and believe this is a mistake, please contact
ERR_NGROK_3209Tunnel not found
ERR_NGROK_3210Error forwarding the connection to the ngrok agent
ERR_NGROK_3211The server does not authorize requests from your user-agent
ERR_NGROK_3300URL "state" parameter is invalid
ERR_NGROK_3301URL "state" parameter is expired.
ERR_NGROK_3302URL "state" parameter is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_3303URL "state" parameter is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_3304URL "state" parameter is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_3305This request has expired. Please try again.
ERR_NGROK_3306URL "state" parameter is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_3307URL "state" parameter is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_3308URL "state" parameter is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_3309The route match type <code>&lt;TYP&gt;</code> is incompatible with OAuth, OIDC, or SAML. Compatible selector match types are "EXACT_PATH" or "PATH_PREFIX".
ERR_NGROK_3310URL "state" parameter is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_3311URL "state" parameter is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_3312URL "state" parameter is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_4001Plan <PLAN_ID> does not exist.
ERR_NGROK_4003Account name must not be empty.
ERR_NGROK_4004Account name exceeds max length, <LENGTH> bytes, max: <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_4005Another account is already configured with the GSuite domain <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_4011Your password must be at least <LENGTH> characters.
ERR_NGROK_4012Your account does not have access to <FEATURE>.Upgrade to get access:
ERR_NGROK_4013You may not create a new account because you are already a member of the free account "<ACCOUNT_NAME>". Upgrade or delete that account first before creating a new account.
ERR_NGROK_4014The account <NAME> was suspended. It may not be deleted. Contact if you believe this is an error.
ERR_NGROK_4015The account <NAME> was banned for violation of the terms of service. It may not be deleted. Contact if you believe this is an error.
ERR_NGROK_4016You may not create a new account because another account you were the administator of was suspended. Contact if you believe this is an error.
ERR_NGROK_4017You may not create a new account because another account you were the administrator of was banned for violation of the terms of service. Contact if you believe this is an error.
ERR_NGROK_4018You must signup for ngrok and add your authtoken to perform this operation.Sign up for an account: Install your authoken:
ERR_NGROK_4019This account cannot be deleted because it has an active billing subscription. Please contact for help deleting this account.
ERR_NGROK_4020Your password must be less then <LENGTH> characters.
ERR_NGROK_4100The email or password you entered is not valid.
ERR_NGROK_4101A user with the email address <EMAIL> already exists.
ERR_NGROK_4103<EMAIL> is not a valid email address.
ERR_NGROK_4104User name must not be empty.
ERR_NGROK_4105User name exceeds max length, <LENGTH> bytes, max: <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_4106Your user <EMAIL> was suspended for violation of the terms of service. It may not be deleted. Contact if you believe this is an error.
ERR_NGROK_4107Your user <EMAIL> was banned for violation of the terms of service. It may not be deleted. Contact if you believe this is an error.
ERR_NGROK_4108Sign ups are disallowed for the email provider "<DOMAIN>". Please sign up with a different email provider.
ERR_NGROK_4109Bot name must not be empty.
ERR_NGROK_4110Bot name exceeds max length, <LENGTH> bytes, max: <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_4111You must be an admin to create, update, or delete Bots.
ERR_NGROK_4200You may not delete all or your logins, you must have at least one.
ERR_NGROK_4201This <LOGIN> login is already connected to another ngrok user.
ERR_NGROK_4300No user with the email address <EMAIL> exists.
ERR_NGROK_4301This account does not support a password reset.
ERR_NGROK_4302Unable to redeem password: <REASON>
ERR_NGROK_4400An email address is required to invite a new user
ERR_NGROK_4401The invited email address is too long: <LENGTH> bytes. Max <MAX> bytes.
ERR_NGROK_4402The invited user would exceed your team size limit of <TEAM_SIZE>. Delete unused invitations or users to make room, or upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan:
ERR_NGROK_4403You cannot invite any more users. Please email if you believe this is an error.
ERR_NGROK_4404Unabled to redeem invitation: <REASON>
ERR_NGROK_4405<EMAIL> is not a valid email address.
ERR_NGROK_4407You are not currently permitted to enroll in the beta.
ERR_NGROK_4408Feature request suggestions must be between 1 and <MAXLEN> characters, got <LENGTH>.
ERR_NGROK_4409Your account is not allowed to set invitation permissions.
ERR_NGROK_4410You do not have permissions to invite an administrator to the account. Only administrators may invite other administrators.
ERR_NGROK_4411You do not have permissions to invite users to the account.
ERR_NGROK_4412You may not invite users to the account with higher permissions than your own.
ERR_NGROK_4413Developer Read Write must set on a user if thier permissions include Invite.
ERR_NGROK_4451A user with the email address <EMAIL> already exists.
ERR_NGROK_4452The email address being verified, <EMAIL>, belongs to another user.
ERR_NGROK_4500The URL <URL> is not a valid tcp address or URL. Please use either hostname:port or a full URL including protocol for HTTP or TLS endpoints.
ERR_NGROK_4501The TCP port <PORT> in <HOST> is not a valid numerical TCP port.
ERR_NGROK_4502The TCP port <PORT> for <HOST> is not within the range of possible ngrok ports.
ERR_NGROK_4503The IP <IP> is not a known ngrok TCP IP.
ERR_NGROK_4504The host <HOST> is not a known ngrok TCP hostname.
ERR_NGROK_5000Your account is limited to <MAX> <RESOURCE>.
ERR_NGROK_5001Your account is rate limited to <MAX> <RESOURCE> per <INTERVAL>.
ERR_NGROK_5100An event destination must specify a destination target. Valid targets include: <TYPE>.
ERR_NGROK_5102You have reached the maximum of <MAX> destinations for your account.
ERR_NGROK_5103No event destinations with ID: <ID> associated with this account.
ERR_NGROK_5104Event Destination role ARN "<ARN>" is not a valid ARN for an aws IAM role. Error: <MSG>.
ERR_NGROK_5105Event Destination role is missing an external ID.
ERR_NGROK_5106Event Destination target is missing the auth field.
ERR_NGROK_5107Event Destination auth is missing a role or credentials to send events to the destination target.
ERR_NGROK_5108Update to target type not allowed. Create a new destination if you would like to send to a new target.
ERR_NGROK_5112Event Destination "<ID>" cannot be deleted because it is still in use by at least one Event Stream
ERR_NGROK_5115An event destination may not specify more than one destination target.
ERR_NGROK_5116An event destination may not specify more than one type of authentication.
ERR_NGROK_5117The property <NAME> is an immutable property and may not be updated. Create a new destination instead.
ERR_NGROK_5118The partition (<VALUE>) of the provided <FIELD> (<ARN>) is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_5119The service (<VALUE>) of the provided <FIELD> (<ARN>) is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_5120The provided <FIELD> (<ARN>) is invalid. Please make sure it matches the ARN you obtained from Amazon exactly.
ERR_NGROK_5123Event Subscription <ID> not found.
ERR_NGROK_5124Your account can't use the event subscriptions feature.
ERR_NGROK_5125Source <TYP> not found on Event Subscription <ID>.
ERR_NGROK_5126You have reached the maximum of <MAX> destinations on a subscription.
ERR_NGROK_5127The event type for each source must be unique within a subscription.
ERR_NGROK_5128Your account can't create event destinations.
ERR_NGROK_5129The ARN (<ARN>) is not valid for the <SERVICE> service.
ERR_NGROK_5130The ARN (<ARN>) is not valid for the <RESOURCE> resource type.
ERR_NGROK_5131You have reached the maximum of <MAX> event subscriptions for your account.
ERR_NGROK_5200URL "state" parameter is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_5201URL "state" parameter is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_5202Encountered an error while communicating with the OIDC provider:"<ERROR>".
ERR_NGROK_5203The OIDC provider failed to return a OIDC ID Token.
ERR_NGROK_5204Failed to verify the OIDC ID Token:"<ERROR>".
ERR_NGROK_5205Failed to extract claims from the OIDC ID Token:"<ERROR>".
ERR_NGROK_5206The endpoint configuration "<ECID>" does not exist.
ERR_NGROK_5207OIDC is not enabled on the endpoint configuration "<ECID>".
ERR_NGROK_5208Encountered an error while attempting to fetch OIDC provider metadata:"<ERROR>".
ERR_NGROK_5209The authentication flow was not completed in time. Please try authenticating again.
ERR_NGROK_5210The authentication flow was not completed in time. Please try authenticating again.
ERR_NGROK_5211The OIDC provider returned the error code "<ERROR>" with the additional details: "<DETAILS>". Please try authenticating again.
ERR_NGROK_5212OIDC is not enabled on the domain "<HOSTNAME>".
ERR_NGROK_5300SAML RelayState parameter is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_5301The SAML IdP sent an invalid SAML assertion:"<ERROR>"
ERR_NGROK_5302The SAML module for the endpoint configuration "<ECID>" disallows IdP-initiated logins.
ERR_NGROK_5303The endpoint configuration "<ECID>" is not attached to any domains.
ERR_NGROK_5304Could not find the domain "<DOMAIN>" specified in the IdP-initiated RelayState.
ERR_NGROK_5305The SAML IdP sent an invalid SAML assertion:"<ERROR>"
ERR_NGROK_5306SAML RelayState parameter is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_5307The domain "<DOMAIN>" specified in the IdP-initiated RelayState is not attached to the endpoint configuration "<ECID>".
ERR_NGROK_5308The SAML IdP sent an invalid SAML logout response:"<ERROR>"
ERR_NGROK_5309URL "state" parameter is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_5310URL "state" parameter is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_5311The SAML IdP sent an invalid SAML assertion with <N> Authn statements.
ERR_NGROK_5312You are not a member of the configured authorized groups on the ngrok edge.
ERR_NGROK_5313The authentication flow was not completed in time. Please try authenticating again.
ERR_NGROK_5314The logout flow was not completed in time. Please try authenticating again.
ERR_NGROK_5315The authentication flow was not completed in time. Please try authenticating again.
ERR_NGROK_5316The logout flow was not completed in time. Please try authenticating again.
ERR_NGROK_5317The SAML module for the edge route "<RTEID>" disallows IdP-initiated logins.
ERR_NGROK_5318The edge "<EDGID>" is not attached to any domains.
ERR_NGROK_5319Failed to complete IdP-initiated SAML login. The RelayState specified an invalid domain "<DOMAIN>" to redirect to. Ensure that the domain "<DOMAIN>" is configured as a hostport for "<EDGID>".
ERR_NGROK_5320The edge route "<RTEID>" does not exist.
ERR_NGROK_5321The RelayState must be configured with the redirect URL for IdP-initiated logins.
ERR_NGROK_5322The domain "<DOMAIN>" specified in the IdP-initiated RelayState is not attached to the edge "<EDGID>".
ERR_NGROK_5323The SAML module is not enabled for the configuration "<ID>".
ERR_NGROK_5324The ID "<ID>" that was specified is invalid. This usually indicates a malformed URL.
ERR_NGROK_5325Failed to complete IdP-initiated SAML login. Edge does not have any attached domains. Please ensure that at least one domain is configured as a hostport for "<EDGID>".
ERR_NGROK_5326Failed to complete IdP-initiated SAML login. The RelayState must be configured with the redirect URL for IdP-initiated logins when using a route selector match type of "<MATCHTYP>".
ERR_NGROK_5400Event Sources for the "<TYP>" event type must specify fields to capture.
ERR_NGROK_5401Event Sources for the "<TYP>" event may not specify fields.
ERR_NGROK_5402Event Sources for the "<TYP>" event may not specify a filter.
ERR_NGROK_5403Event Sources must be configured with fields that match its event type. "<FIELD>" is not a "<TYP>" field
ERR_NGROK_5404Event Source filter is invalid: "<ERR>"
ERR_NGROK_5405Invalid Event Field: "<FIELD>"
ERR_NGROK_5406Field is not yet supported in event filters: "<FIELD>"
ERR_NGROK_5500URL "state" parameter is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_5501The authentication flow was not completed in time. Please try authenticating again.
ERR_NGROK_5502Authorization with <PROVIDER> succeeded, but these required scopes not were granted: <SCOPES>.Please reauthorize and grant all requested scopes to the application.
ERR_NGROK_5503URL "state" parameter is invalid.
ERR_NGROK_5504The authentication flow was not completed in time. Please try authenticating again.
ERR_NGROK_5508Authorization with <PROVIDER> succeeded, but these required scopes not were granted: <SCOPES>.Please reauthorize and grant all requested scopes to the application.
ERR_NGROK_5510<PROVIDER> did not provide an email for your account.Check that you have a primary email and that it's confirmed before trying again.
ERR_NGROK_5511Email "<EMAIL>" is not authorized for use by this account.
ERR_NGROK_5512Email is malformed. Email "<EMAIL>" is missing an @ sign.
ERR_NGROK_5513Email domain failed to normalize to a FQDN "<DOMAIN>":"<ERROR>"
ERR_NGROK_5517<PROVIDER> denied access to your data during the final step of authorization: <DESCRIPTION>.Please contact the owner of this application to ensure it is properly installed for your organization.
ERR_NGROK_5518<PROVIDER> rejected authorization with access denied: <DESCRIPTION>.You must authorize this application before continuing.
ERR_NGROK_5520<PROVIDER> rejected authorization due to a invalid or unknown scope requested by this application: <DESCRIPTION>.The owner of this application must correct the application configuration before you can continue.
ERR_NGROK_5521<PROVIDER> rejected authorization due to an internal server error: <DESCRIPTION>.
ERR_NGROK_5522<PROVIDER> is too busy to handle requests and authorization cannot be completed at this time: <DESCRIPTION>.
ERR_NGROK_5523<PROVIDER> rejected authorization as the redirect URL for this application is improperly configured: <DESCRIPTION>.Please contact the owner of this application in order to fix this error.
ERR_NGROK_5524<PROVIDER> rejected authorization: <DESCRIPTION>.The owner of this application should verify the OAuth application client ID and secret are valid before you can continue.
ERR_NGROK_5525<PROVIDER> has throttled this application and cannot be reached right now.Please try again in a few minutes.
ERR_NGROK_5526<PROVIDER> rejected access to your information. This is likely caused by expiration or revocation of your authorization.
ERR_NGROK_5527<PROVIDER> rejected the final step of authorization due to invalid credentials.The owner of this application should verify the OAuth application client ID and secret are valid before you can continue.
ERR_NGROK_5528The access code from <PROVIDER> has expired and cannot be used.Please authorize again more quickly.
ERR_NGROK_5529<PROVIDER> denied access to your data during the final step of authorization.Please contact the owner of this application to ensure it is properly installed for your organization.
ERR_NGROK_5530OAuth is not enabled on the domain "<HOSTNAME>".
ERR_NGROK_5531<PROVIDER> denied access to your account as the correct account could not be chosen automatically.Please try authorizing again or contacting the owner of this application if the issue persists.
ERR_NGROK_5532<PROVIDER> denied access to your account as reauthentication is required.Please try logging in again or contact the owner of this application if the issue persists.
ERR_NGROK_5533<PROVIDER> had an internal server error when refreshing your information.Please try again or contact the owner of this application if the issue persists.
ERR_NGROK_5534Encountered an error while attempting to fetch OIDC provider metadata:"<ERROR>".
ERR_NGROK_5535The OAuth provider "<PROVIDER>" cannot be used without a user-defined client ID and client secret.
ERR_NGROK_5536Encountered an error while fetching user data: <PROVIDER> did not provide a user ID for your account.
ERR_NGROK_6000This tunnel was unable to update; this may be temporary, please try again shortly.
ERR_NGROK_6001This tunnel is no longer available as its account was not found.
ERR_NGROK_6002This tunnel is no longer available as its account does not own resources required to run.
ERR_NGROK_6003Endpoint configurations cannot be used with agent-specified basic auth. Either remove the endpoint configuration from this endpoint or restart the agent without basic auth.
ERR_NGROK_6006The Event Destination <EDID> required by <ECID> was not found. If these were recently created or removed, this should be temporary and resolve itself.
ERR_NGROK_6008This endpoint is unavailable as its account is suspended due to lack of payment.
ERR_NGROK_6009This endpoint is unavailable as its account is suspended.
ERR_NGROK_6010Endpoint configuration is incompatible with tunnel; module <MODULE> required by Endpoint Configuration <ECID> is incompatible with <PROTO> tunnels.
ERR_NGROK_6011You may not specify <MIDDLEWARE> options from the ngrok agent because this domain has a configured endpoint configuration: <ECID>. Remove the endpoint configuration from this domain or remove the conflicting options when starting the ngrok agent.
ERR_NGROK_6013Failed to compile filter for Event Subscription <ESID>.
ERR_NGROK_6014Failed to run filter for Event Subscription <ESID>.
ERR_NGROK_6018The Endpoint <HOSTPORT> has both an Endpoint Configuration (<EPCID>) and a Tunnel with incompatible configuration (<TUNNELID>) online.
ERR_NGROK_6019The Endpoint <HOSTPORT> has both an Edge (<EDGID>) and Endpoint Configuration (<EPCID>) configured.
ERR_NGROK_6020The Endpoint <HOSTPORT> has both an Edge (<EDGID>) and Tunnel (<TUNID>) online.
ERR_NGROK_6021HTML content may only be served after you upgrade to a paid account.
ERR_NGROK_6022Before you can serve HTML content, you must sign up for an ngrok account and install your authtoken.
ERR_NGROK_6023HTML content may only be served in this region after you upgrade to a paid account.
ERR_NGROK_6024You are about to visit <HOSTPORT>, served by <SERVINGIP>. This website is served for free through You should only visit this website if you trust whoever sent the link to you.
ERR_NGROK_6500Your account is not authorized to use the backends feature. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_6501Cannot save backend reference <ID> because it does not exists.
ERR_NGROK_6502The backend could not be deleted because it is still referenced by at least one backend.
ERR_NGROK_6503Description is limited to <MAX> characters; you have entered <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_6504Metadata is limited to <MAX> characters; you have entered <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_6505Static backend requires address in the host:port form.
ERR_NGROK_6506Static backend address <ADDR> is invalid (<REASON>). Use host:port as address.
ERR_NGROK_6507Static backend address <ADDR> is missing host. Use host:port as address.
ERR_NGROK_6508Tunnel group labels count is limited to <MAX>; you have <VAL> labels.
ERR_NGROK_6509Tunnel group label key length is limited to <MAX>; key <NAME> has <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_6510Tunnel group label value length is limited to <MAX>; value <NAME> has <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_6511Weighted backends count is limited to <MAX>; you have <VAL> backends.
ERR_NGROK_6512Weighted backend <ID> weight <VAL> is out of range; it must be between <MIN> and <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_6513Failover backends may only contain up to <MAX> failover backends; you have <VAL> failover backends.
ERR_NGROK_6514Backend not found.
ERR_NGROK_6515Tunnel Group Backend <ID> did not match any tunnels.Please start tunnels matching its labels in order to serve traffic.
ERR_NGROK_6516HTTP Reseponse Backend <ID> had too large of a body. The maximum is length <MAX> bytes, but the supplied body was <VAL> bytes long.
ERR_NGROK_6517HTTP Response Backend <ID> had an invalid status code. The status code <STATUS> is an invalid HTTP Status Code.
ERR_NGROK_6522The header beginning with <PREFIX>...' exceeds the maximum header name length of 128 bytes.
ERR_NGROK_6523The header value for <HEADERKEY> beginning with <PREFIX>...' exceeds the maximum header value length of 1024 bytes.
ERR_NGROK_6524A Weighted Backend may not reference the backend <ID> because it is a <BACKENDTYPE> backend.
ERR_NGROK_6525A Failover Backend may not reference the backend <ID> because it is a <BACKENDTYPE> backend.
ERR_NGROK_6526The id <ID> is not a valid backend ID.
ERR_NGROK_6527The id <ID> is invalid; expected an id of type <BACKENDTYPE> backend.
ERR_NGROK_6528Traffic made it to the ngrok edge, but there are no tunnels online serving an app.
ERR_NGROK_6529Your account is not authorized to use the weighted backends feature. Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_6530The <ID> header cannot be removed without specifying a replacement.
ERR_NGROK_6600The account <NAME> has reached its team size limit and may not add additional users. Please ask the account owner to upgrade your plan:
ERR_NGROK_6601Failed to add <USER_NAME> as a member of account <ACCOUNT_NAME> because they are already a member.
ERR_NGROK_6602You may not remove the last administrator of the account. Grant administrator privileges to another member first.
ERR_NGROK_6603Your account is not allowed to set membership permissions.
ERR_NGROK_6604You may not remove an administrator from the account. Only administrators may remove other administrators.
ERR_NGROK_6605You may not grant administrator privileges to an account member. Only administrators may grant administrative privileges.
ERR_NGROK_6606You may not change an administrator's permissions. Only other administrators may make that change.
ERR_NGROK_6607You may not change the account administrator. Only the current accont administrator may make this change.
ERR_NGROK_6608Could not transfer administrative control to membership <ID> because it could not be found on this account.
ERR_NGROK_6609Swapping administrators is not supported on accounts with RBAC enabled.
ERR_NGROK_6612You are not allowed to remove members.
ERR_NGROK_6613You are not allowed to create members.
ERR_NGROK_6614You are not allowed to set the permissions of members.
ERR_NGROK_6615You may not create users with higher permissions than your own.
ERR_NGROK_6616You may not set user permissions higher than your own.
ERR_NGROK_6700The description is limited to <MAX> characters, but the provided value had <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_6701Metadata is limited to <MAX> characters, but the provided value had <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_6702No DNS records were returned when querying for an NS record for the domain <DOMAIN>.
ERR_NGROK_6703The NS records for the domain <DOMAIN> "<GOT>" do not match the expected targets "<EXPECTED>".
ERR_NGROK_6704The specified domain "<DOMAIN>" is not a valid domain name. Enter a valid DNS name.
ERR_NGROK_6705The agent ingress domain "<DOMAIN>" must be a third party domain, you may not enter a domain controlled by ngrok.
ERR_NGROK_6706The agent ingress domain "<DOMAIN>" already exists, choose another domain.
ERR_NGROK_7000Edge not found
ERR_NGROK_7001Invalid edge ID
ERR_NGROK_7002Invalid edge request
ERR_NGROK_7007The IP Policy ID <ID> specified for the IP Restriction module does not exist.
ERR_NGROK_7008Only Pro and Enterprise plans are allowed to use edges. Your account is not authorized to use edges.Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_7009Your account is limited to a maximum of <MAX> edges.
ERR_NGROK_7011Invalid edge, circuit breaker error threshold percentage must be between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive, was <VAL>.
ERR_NGROK_7012The auth provider <VAL> does not exist. Specify an auth provider ID or the special value 'agent'.
ERR_NGROK_7013The edge module exceeds the max number of IP Policies. You specified <VAL>, the maximum is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_7014The edge module TLS CA certificate size exceeds the max. You specified <VAL>, the maximum is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_7015The edge module exceeds the max number of headers. You specified <VAL>, the maximum is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_7016Invalid edge module, circuit breaker tripped duration must be greater than 0, was <VAL>.
ERR_NGROK_7017Invalid edge module, circuit breaker rolling window must be greater than 0, was <VAL>.
ERR_NGROK_7018Invalid edge module, circuit breaker num buckets must be greater than 0 and less than <MAX>, was <VAL>.
ERR_NGROK_7019The edge could not be deleted because it is still referenced by at least one reserved domain or reserved address.
ERR_NGROK_7020The edge must specify a type.
ERR_NGROK_7021The module <NAME> is not supported on an edge of type <TYPE>.
ERR_NGROK_7022<NAME> is not a valid edge type. Must be one of 'http', 'https', 'tcp'.
ERR_NGROK_7023<KEY> is not a valid HTTP header name because it contains at least one invalid character.
ERR_NGROK_7024<VAL> is not a valid HTTP header value: <REASON>.
ERR_NGROK_7025You must specify at least one IP Policy in the IP Restriction module.
ERR_NGROK_7026SNS webhook verification does not accept a secret.
ERR_NGROK_7027Webhook verification for <T> requires a secret.
ERR_NGROK_7028There were validation errors while saving the edge:<ERRS>
ERR_NGROK_7029You must specify a supported provider name. Supported providers: [<T>]
ERR_NGROK_7030Webhook provider <T> is not supported. Supported providers: [<TYPE>]
ERR_NGROK_7031Only Pro and Enterprise accounts can use edges webhook verification. Your account is not authorized to use webhook verification. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_7032You may not configure the TLS termination parameter <PARAMETER> when the HTTPS module disables TLS termination.
ERR_NGROK_7033Invalid edge module, unmanaged provider configurations must specify a client ID and a client secret.
ERR_NGROK_7034Invalid edge module, custom OAuth scopes on a managed OAuth application are not allowed. Define a custom OAuth application to use custom scopes.
ERR_NGROK_7035Invalid edge module, OAuth auth check interval must be at least <MIN>, was <ACTUAL>.
ERR_NGROK_7036Invalid edge module, OAuth may only have one provider configuration but multiple are defined: [<PROVIDER_NAMES>].
ERR_NGROK_7037Invalid edge module, OAuth does not define any provider configurations but one is required.
ERR_NGROK_7038Invalid edge module, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> requires at least the <SCOPE> scope to authenticate by <AUTH_FEATURE>.'
ERR_NGROK_7039Invalid edge module, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> contains an invalid email domain: <NAME>.
ERR_NGROK_7040Invalid edge module, OAuth GitHub Teams must be listed as either numerical ids or in the format 'org_slug/team_slug', <TEAM> does not match either format.
ERR_NGROK_7041Only Pro and Enterprise accounts can use edges OAuth. Your account is not authorized to use OAuth. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_7042Invalid edge module, OAuth cookie prefix <PREFIX> must consist of only alphanumeric characters with periods.
ERR_NGROK_7043Invalid edge module, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> contains an invalid email address, <NAME>.
ERR_NGROK_7044Invalid edge module, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> contains an email domain with invalid punycode: <NAME>.
ERR_NGROK_7045Invalid edge module, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> contains an email address with invalid punycode: <NAME>.
ERR_NGROK_7046Invalid edge module, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> email addresses must be unique, but a duplicate is present: <DUPLICATE>.
ERR_NGROK_7047Invalid edge module, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> email domains must be unique, but a duplicate is present: <DUPLICATE>.
ERR_NGROK_7048Invalid edge module, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> teams must be unique, but a duplicate is present: <DUPLICATE>.
ERR_NGROK_7049Invalid edge module, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> organizations must be unique, but a duplicate is present: <DUPLICATE>.
ERR_NGROK_7050Invalid edge module, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> groups must be unique, but a duplicate is present: <DUPLICATE>.
ERR_NGROK_7051Invalid edge module, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> email addresses must not contain empty values
ERR_NGROK_7052Invalid edge module, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> email domains must not contain empty values
ERR_NGROK_7053Invalid edge module, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> teams must not contain empty values
ERR_NGROK_7054Invalid edge module, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> organizations must not contain empty values
ERR_NGROK_7055Invalid edge module, OAuth provider <PROVIDER> groups must not contain empty values
ERR_NGROK_7056The edge module exceeds the maximum number of OAuth scopes. You specified <COUNT>, the max is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_7057The edge module exceeds the maximum number of OAuth GitHub teams. You specified <COUNT>, the max is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_7058The edge module exceeds the maximum number of OAuth GitHub orgs. You specified <COUNT>, the max is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_7059The edge module exceeds the maximum number of OAuth Google groups. You specified <COUNT>, the max is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_7060The edge module exceeds the maximum number of OAuth emails. You specified <COUNT>, the max is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_7061The edge module exceeds the maximum number of OAuth domains. You specified <COUNT>, the max is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_7062The edge specifies the following modules which may not be enabled when TLS is not terminated: <MODULE_NAMES>.
ERR_NGROK_7067Invalid edge module, email addresses must be lowercase but <EMAIL> is not.
ERR_NGROK_7068Invalid edge module, email domains must be lowercase but <DOMAIN> is not.
ERR_NGROK_7069Duplicate 'add' header, <HEADER> was provided twice with different casings: <CASE_ONE> and <CASE_TWO>.
ERR_NGROK_7070Your account is limited to <MAX> edges.
ERR_NGROK_7071Your account is rate limited for adding <MAX> edges per <INTERVAL>.
ERR_NGROK_7072The CA ID <ID> specified for the Mutual TLS module does not exist.
ERR_NGROK_7073Description is limited to <MAX> characters; you have entered <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_7074Metadata is limited to <MAX> characters; you have entered <VAL> characters.
ERR_NGROK_7075The Mutual TLS configurations exceeds the limit of <LIMIT> attached certificate authorities.
ERR_NGROK_7079The edge specifies conflicting authentication modules. Only one of SAML, OIDC, or OAuth may be enabled.
ERR_NGROK_7080The SAML metadata exceeds the maximum length of <MAX> bytes, got <NBYTES>.
ERR_NGROK_7081You must specify only the SAML IdP metadata or the SAML IdP metadata URL, but not both.
ERR_NGROK_7082Failed to connect to IdP metadata URL <MDURL>: <ERR>.
ERR_NGROK_7083Failed to parse the SAML IdP metadata: <ERR>.
ERR_NGROK_7084Received unexpected status code <STATUSCODE> while fetching metadata URL <MDURL>
ERR_NGROK_7085Failed to parse the SAML IdP metadata fetched from URL <MDURL>: <ERR>.
ERR_NGROK_7086Encountered an error while reading the response body from the IdP metadata URL <MDURL>: <ERR>.
ERR_NGROK_7087The specified OIDC issuer has a maximum length of <MAX> bytes. The specified value is <N> bytes.
ERR_NGROK_7088The OIDC issuer property is required.
ERR_NGROK_7089The OIDC Client ID property is required.
ERR_NGROK_7090The OIDC Client Secret property is required.
ERR_NGROK_7091One of the SAML IdP Metadata or IdP Metadata URL properties must be specified.
ERR_NGROK_7092Invalid edge module, session inactivity timeout cannot be more than one year, was <ACTUAL>.
ERR_NGROK_7093Your account is not authorized to use basic auth. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_7094Your account is not authorized to use compression. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_7095Your account is not authorized to use circuit breaker. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_7096Your account is not authorized to use request headers. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_7097Your account is not authorized to use response headers. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_7098Your account is not authorized to use OIDC. Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_7099Your account is not authorized to use SAML. Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_7100Your account is not authorized to use TLS termination. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_7101Your account is not authorized to use IP Restrictions. Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_7102Your account is not authorized to use TCP address backends. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_7103Your account is not authorized to use mutual TLS. Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_7104Edge has invalid hostports, must be specified in the format 'hostname:portnumber': <INVALID>
ERR_NGROK_7105The header beginning with <PREFIX>...' exceeds the maximum header name length of 128 bytes.
ERR_NGROK_7106The header value for <HEADERKEY> beginning with <PREFIX>...' exceeds the maximum header value length of 1024 bytes.
ERR_NGROK_7107The sendgrid verification key is not a base64 encoded ecdsa public key. The following error was encountered while trying to parse it: "<ERROR>"
ERR_NGROK_7108Your account is not authorized to use the websocket to TCP converter. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_7109You may not configure the TLS termination parameter 'terminate_at' for an HTTPS edge.
ERR_NGROK_7110The request edge ID <EID> does not match the route edge ID <REID>.
ERR_NGROK_7111The edge hostport <HOST>:<PORT> does not exist.
ERR_NGROK_7112The hostport <HOSTPORT> has port out of range: <PORT> is not in range 1-65535.
ERR_NGROK_7113The address <HOSTPORT> is not reserved.
ERR_NGROK_7114The address <HOSTPORT> is not reserved by your account.
ERR_NGROK_7115The address <HOSTPORT> has an endpoint configuration which must be removed before it can be used by an edge.
ERR_NGROK_7116The domain <HOSTPORT> is unsupported because it does not use port 443.
ERR_NGROK_7117The domain <HOSTPORT> is not reserved.
ERR_NGROK_7118The domain <HOSTPORT> is not reserved by your account.
ERR_NGROK_7119The domain <HOSTPORT> has an endpoint configuration which must be removed before it can be used by an edge.
ERR_NGROK_7120TCP edges can only be associated with TCP addresses: <HOSTPORT> is a domain.
ERR_NGROK_7121HTTPS edges can only be associated with reserved domains: <HOSTPORT> is a TCP address.
ERR_NGROK_7122Hostport <HOSTPORT> already exists for another edge.
ERR_NGROK_7123Edge routes require a match expression.
ERR_NGROK_7124The edge route <ID> could not be found.
ERR_NGROK_7125There is a duplicate route <ID> for HTTPS edge.
ERR_NGROK_7126Route match expression <MATCH> must be unique across all routes for HTTPS edge.
ERR_NGROK_7127OAuth may not currently be configured for any route except '/', could not configure for route <MATCH>.
ERR_NGROK_7128Your account is limited to a maximum of <MAX> routes for a single edge.
ERR_NGROK_7129Your account is limited to a maximum of <MAX> hostports for a single edge.
ERR_NGROK_7130Invalid match type, valid values are "exact_path" and "path_prefix".
ERR_NGROK_7131The route selector expression <code>&lt;MATCH&gt;</code> is invalid. Valid route selector match expressions are of the form /path (e.g. "/foo", or "/foo/bar").
ERR_NGROK_7132The hostport <code>&lt;HOSTPORT&gt;</code> is already in use by an agent directly.
ERR_NGROK_7133TLS edges can only be associated with reserved domains: <HOSTPORT> is a TCP address.
ERR_NGROK_7134OAuth, OIDC and SAML may only be configured for routes with path selectors (i.e. 'exact_path', 'path_prefix').
ERR_NGROK_7135The route selector expression exceeds the maximum length of <MAX>, got <SIZE>.
ERR_NGROK_7136The OAuth Cookie Prefix exceeds the maximum length of <MAX>, got <SIZE>.
ERR_NGROK_7137The OAuth Client ID exceeds the maximum length of <MAX>, got <SIZE>.
ERR_NGROK_7138The OAuth Client Secret exceeds the maximum length of <MAX>, got <SIZE>.
ERR_NGROK_7139The OAuth Email Address exceeds the maximum length of <MAX>, got <SIZE>.
ERR_NGROK_7140The OAuth Email Domain exceeds the maximum length of <MAX>, got <SIZE>.
ERR_NGROK_7141The OAuth Scope exceeds the maximum length of <MAX>, got <SIZE>.
ERR_NGROK_7142The edge module exceeds the maximum number of GitHub teams. You specified <COUNT>, the max is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_7143The edge module exceeds the maximum number of GitHub orgs. You specified <COUNT>, the max is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_7144The OAuth GitHub team exceeds the maximum length of <MAX>, got <SIZE>.
ERR_NGROK_7145The OAuth GitHub org exceeds the maximum length of <MAX>, got <SIZE>.
ERR_NGROK_7146The edge module exceeds the maximum number of Google groups. You specified <COUNT>, the max is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_7147The OAuth Google group exceeds the maximum length of <MAX>, got <SIZE>.
ERR_NGROK_7148The OIDC Client ID exceeds the maximum length of <MAX>, got <SIZE>.
ERR_NGROK_7149The OIDC Client Secret exceeds the maximum length of <MAX>, got <SIZE>.
ERR_NGROK_7150The edge module exceeds the maximum number of OIDC scopes. You specified <COUNT>, the max is <MAX>.
ERR_NGROK_7151The OIDC Scope exceeds the maximum length of <MAX>, got <SIZE>.
ERR_NGROK_7152The OIDC Authn URL exceeds the maximum length of <MAX>, got <SIZE>.
ERR_NGROK_7153The OIDC cookie prefix exceeds the maximum length of <MAX>, got <SIZE>.
ERR_NGROK_7154The Webhook Verification secret exceeds the maximum length of <MAX>, got <SIZE>.
ERR_NGROK_7155Enabling OAuth, OIDC, or SAML on more than one route is not supported.
ERR_NGROK_7156Failed to attach hostport. The domain <HOSTPORT> is allocated for region <NEW_REGION> but the previous hostport is allocated in <OLD_REGION>.
ERR_NGROK_7157Failed to attach hostport. The address <HOSTPORT> is allocated for region <NEW_REGION> but the previous hostport is allocated in <OLD_REGION>
ERR_NGROK_7158Invalid edge module, OAuth auth check interval must be no greater than <MAX>, was <ACTUAL>.
ERR_NGROK_7159Invalid edge module, OIDC auth check interval must be at least <MIN>, was <ACTUAL>.
ERR_NGROK_7160Invalid edge module, OIDC auth check interval must be no greater than <MAX>, was <ACTUAL>.
ERR_NGROK_7161Invalid edge module, OAuth max session duration must be no greater than <MAX>, was <ACTUAL>.
ERR_NGROK_7162Invalid edge module, OIDC max session duration must be no greater than <MAX>, was <ACTUAL>.
ERR_NGROK_7163Your account is not authorized to use the TLS edges. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_7164The <ID> header cannot be removed without specifying a replacement.
ERR_NGROK_7165An unsupported OAuth Provider was configured.
ERR_NGROK_7166The "<PROVIDER>" OAuth Provider does not currently have a managed app available, specify a client id and client secret.
ERR_NGROK_8000Failed to resolve host <HOST>: <ERR>
ERR_NGROK_8001Failed to establish internet connectivity: <ERR>
ERR_NGROK_8002Failed to establish TCP connection to <HOST> with error: <ERR>
ERR_NGROK_8003Failed to establish TLS connection to <HOST> with error: <ERR>. Possible Man-in-the Middle.
ERR_NGROK_8004Failed to establish tunnel protocol connection to <HOST> with error: <ERR>
ERR_NGROK_8005Failed to resolve proxy IP with error: <ERR>
ERR_NGROK_8006Failed to connect to proxy <URL> with error: <ERR>
ERR_NGROK_8007No tunnel servers were reachable via TCP.
ERR_NGROK_8008No tunnel servers could establish a TLS connection.
ERR_NGROK_8009No tunnel servers could establish a tunnel connection.
ERR_NGROK_8010<RESOLVER> was the only resolver to return <IP> for the hostname <HOSTNAME>. This, or the other resolvers, may be returning incorrect results.
ERR_NGROK_8011IPV6 errors encountered - it may be disabled.
ERR_NGROK_8012Traffic was successfully tunneled to the ngrok agent, but the agent failed to establish a connection to the upstream web service at <ADDR>.
ERR_NGROK_9000An account is required to use basic authentication.Please register for an ngrok account at: and install your authtoken.
ERR_NGROK_9001Your account is not authorized to use compression.Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_9002Your account is not authorized to use circuit breaker.Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_9003Your account is not authorized to use request headers.Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_9004Your account is not authorized to use response headers.Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_9005Your account is not authorized to use OIDC.Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_9006Your account is not authorized to use SAML. Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_9007Your account is not authorized to use TLS Termination.Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_9008Your account is not authorized to run the agent as a service.Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_9009Your account is not authorized to run the agent with http/s proxy.Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_9010Your account is not authorized to run the agent with socks5 proxy.Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_9011Your account is not authorized to run the agent on a custom network interface.Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_9012Your account is not authorized to run the agent with custom CAs.Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_9013Your account is not authorized to run the agent with mutual TLS.Please contact us at:
ERR_NGROK_9014Your account is not authorized to run the agent with proxy proto.Upgrade to an Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_9015Your account is not authorized to use OAuth.Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_9016Your account is not authorized to use webhook verification.Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_9017Your account is not authorized to use ip restrictions.Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_9018An account is required to use host header rewrite.Please register for an ngrok account at: and install your authtoken.
ERR_NGROK_9019Your account is not authorized to use mutual TLS. Please contact us at:
ERR_NGROK_9020Your account is not authorized to use the websocket to TCP converter.Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_9021You may specify at most one of subdomain, hostname, or domain for a tunnel.
ERR_NGROK_9022Your account is not authorized to use user agent filter.Upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan at:
ERR_NGROK_10000Internal Server Error. Please check our status page or contact support:
ERR_NGROK_10001Something went wrong with our code. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_10002Could not read server rendered application data. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_10003Something went wrong when communicating with Stripe. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_10004Could not find the credit card form. Do you have a script blocker installed?
ERR_NGROK_10005Could not find the Stripe token. Do you have a script blocker installed?
ERR_NGROK_10006Failed to load the required reCAPTCHA script! Are you blocking it? It is required to continue.
ERR_NGROK_10007All rules must be prefixed with "bind:"
ERR_NGROK_10008If the "HTTPS" module is enabled and "Terminate TLS" is unchecked, then your configuration may not include any other modules except the IP Policy module.
ERR_NGROK_10009The request header name must be at least one character.
ERR_NGROK_10010The request header value must be at least one character.
ERR_NGROK_10011You have already added the request header name "<NAME>".
ERR_NGROK_10012The response header name must be at least one character.
ERR_NGROK_10013The response header value must be at least one character.
ERR_NGROK_10014You have already added the response header name "<NAME>".
ERR_NGROK_10019You haven't added any Event Destinations
ERR_NGROK_10020You haven't added any Event Sources
ERR_NGROK_10021Received partition "<PARTITION>" that does not include the word "aws".
ERR_NGROK_10022Received service "<SERVICE>" but expected "<TARGETSERVICENAME>".
ERR_NGROK_10023There were no changes to submit.
ERR_NGROK_10024Cannot update non-existent IP Policy.
ERR_NGROK_10025A TLS Certificate must be selected.
ERR_NGROK_10026Failed to upload Certificate Authority. Invalid file format "<FORMAT>" given. Upload a Certificate Authority in PEM format.
ERR_NGROK_10027Failed to upload SAML IdP Metadata. Invalid file format "<FORMAT>" given. Upload SAML IdP Metadata in XML format.
ERR_NGROK_10028Failed to upload TLS Certificate. Invalid file format "<FORMAT>" given. Upload a TLS Certificate in PEM format.
ERR_NGROK_10029Failed to upload TLS Certificate Private Key. Invalid file format "<FORMAT>" given. Upload a TLS Certificate Private Key in PEM format.
ERR_NGROK_10030Failed to upload Certificate Authority. Please limit your file uploads to less than 16 KB.
ERR_NGROK_10031Failed to upload SAML IdP Metadata. Please limit your file uploads to less than 16 KB.
ERR_NGROK_10032Failed to upload TLS Certificate. Please limit your file uploads to less than 16 KB.
ERR_NGROK_10033Failed to upload TLS Certificate Private Key. Please limit your file uploads to less than 16 KB.
ERR_NGROK_10034Could not copy the AuthToken to your clipboard. Please ensure that you have granted the browser permission "clipboard-write".
ERR_NGROK_10062ARN must begin with "arn:"
ERR_NGROK_10063ARN is invalid
ERR_NGROK_10064Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_10065Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_10066Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_10067Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_10068Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_10069Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_10072Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_10073Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_10074Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_10075Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_10076Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_10077This account does not support JIT provisioning for SSO users.
ERR_NGROK_10078This account requires users to be authenticated with a valid SSO provider.
ERR_NGROK_11000Internal Server Error. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please check our status page or contact the frontend team.
ERR_NGROK_11001Something went wrong with our code. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact the frontend team.
ERR_NGROK_11002Could not read server rendered application data. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact the frontend team.
ERR_NGROK_11003Something went wrong with our code. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact the frontend team.
ERR_NGROK_11004ARN must begin with "arn:"
ERR_NGROK_11005ARN is invalid
ERR_NGROK_11006Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact the frontend team.
ERR_NGROK_12000A new version of ngrok corp is required to continue. Please refresh the page to update.
ERR_NGROK_13001Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_13002Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_13003Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_13004Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_13005Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_13006Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_13007Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_13008Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_13009Encountered a type "never" value. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support:
ERR_NGROK_14000The <ID> header cannot be removed without specifying a replacement.
ERR_NGROK_14001Got an invalid TLS key/cert pair for TLS termination: <ERR>